Sunday, July 31, 2016


The successful Bernie Sanders populist movement was most definitely grassroots and anti-establishment and now that Bernie has submitted to the Clinton machine, which raised its ugly head at the Democratic Convention and showed its true colors, there is no one in the movement more effectively carrying the progressive anti-war message than Green Presidential candidate Jill Stein ~ whose trusted progressive voice has been consistent for years and must now be heard during the Presidential debates as it was during the Democratic Convention last week (see videos): Allen L Roland, PhD   


 "It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear." : General Douglas MacArthur , Speech, May 15, 1951 


 I'm no Johnny come lately when it comes to voting for Jill Stein for I was impressed by her and also voted for her in 2012 ~

( see )  but I'm thrilled by the manner in which my fellow New Englander has picked up the battered Progressive grassroots banner and made her stand last week outside the rigged Democratic Convention as well as enlisted the alternative press to state her case for Progressive values, like Real News Today and the Young Turks (TYT), See video ~


Virtually 60% of the electorate rightfully does not trust Hillary Clinton and Obama's statement in 2008 that " she'll say anything and change nothing" has permanently infected the Democratic base after the Democratic Primaries which leads to the question ~ can Hillary ignore her base and still defeat Trump?



The answer is simple to Hillary ~ YES, her super donors are jumping on board and the base be dammed, as it most certainly was in Philadelphia this past week ~ but that may be wishful thinking by the Clinton lie machine which is now in damage control.

Make no mistake about this ~ the DNC is officially in damage control as confirmed by Actor and Activist Danny Glover to Paul Jay of Real News as they sped to the Convention Center for a meeting with Nina Turner who supposedly had just been told by convention officials not to nominate Bernie Sanders. See video ~

As John Ash (RSN) wrote today ~ "What does produce a big Election Day turnout? Genuine enthusiasm for the candidate, and the candidate’s message. Right now Hillary Clinton’s message is, “I’m a woman and you need to fear Trump.” There is absolutely no indication whatsoever that it’s inspiring Democratic and Progressive voters to any noteworthy degree.

When Bernie Sanders took the stage, he said what every American wanted to hear: “Enough is enough, we need to clean this mess up.”

To rise to the presidency, Hillary Clinton may have to choose between the 99% and the 1%. Right now she does not yet believe it will come to that. What will she do when it does?"

Right now, I believe she has already chosen the 1% as her base as a proud working member of the establishment and oligarchy ~ the 99% be dammed.


The Progressive base at the gates


In response to Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech, Bill Curry, former counselor to Bill Clinton's White House, says that progressives should now focus on building an independent political movement stressing the rule of law versus military force and the need for a world peace movement ~ and I believe the only Presidential candidate offering that progressive alternative stressing the Rule of Law and Peace is Jill Stein. See thought provoking Real News video with Bill Curry ~


The issues of war and peace were largely missing in action during the Democratic National Convention which was obvious to many including myself and WSWS ~

"Despite fifteen years of the “war on terror,” the convention’s headline speakers made no mention of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the death of Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi or the White House’s drone assassination program. This silence is all the more extraordinary given the fact that the Obama administration is the first in US history that has been at war throughout two full terms in office.

The real decision-makers know, however, that in the background of the 2016 elections are escalating military tensions with Russia and China that raise the danger of world war between nuclear-armed powers.

None of the convention’s speakers saw fit to mention the fact that the Obama administration has committed to go to war with Russia if the highly unstable, right-wing governments of Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia launch a provocation against it."

See the issue of war and the Democratic National Convention / WSWS


 A telling moment during last week's speeches at the Democratic Party's convention to nominate Hillary Clinton for president of the United States was when former Secretary of War and CIA Director Leon Panetta tried to fear monger by blaming Russia for supposedly interfering in a U.S. election (by allegedly revealing how the Democratic Party had in fact rigged its primary for Hillary Clinton).

The delegates from Oregon began a chant of "No More War!" and held up signs including "End the drone wars!" California and other delegations joined in. Panetta had to stop speaking. The party bosses turned off the lights on the Oregon section, which then pulled out cell phones and turned on flashlight apps and finally glow in the dark fluorescent shirts ~ which indicates that strong anti-war feelings of Americans are being played out beneath the surface of our stage managed conventions as well as how our political performance leaders are obviously ignoring that choice.


It's the 900 pound anti-war elephant in the room, that the candidates ignore, (both Clinton and Trump are pro-war nominees) but Jill Stein still proudly reminds Americans of a still existing progressive anti-war choice ~ and here is the evidence that her message is gaining traction.



TRNN and Shadow proof's Rania Khalek found Bernie support drawn to the message of the third party candidate, Jill Stein ~ who railed against student debt, militarism, and called for a federal job creation program to confront climate change at the Democratic Convention. See "real time" video report ~


Watch Amy Goodman's (Democracy Now) interview of progressive Cornel West who endorses Jill Stein ~ who strongly opposes Neo Liberal Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Standard bearer / 10 minute YouTube must see interview.

David Walsh, WSWS, offers a devastating critique of the political performance theater of the Hillary's acceptance speech;

" Everything about the final portion of the Democratic National Convention rang false. With Bill Clinton mugging and stage-acting in the audience, daughter Chelsea Clinton introduced her mother, as though this sordid dynasty represented something significant in American political history. The Clintons are primarily notorious for their corruption and venality. The couple accumulated $230 million from 2001 to 2014 through their relations, above all, with Wall Street financial firms and giant corporations.

There was an obvious effort under way Thursday evening to humanize and “soften” Hillary Clinton. Her miserable poll numbers ~ a 38.4 percent favorable rating and 55.6 percent unfavorable ~ are only slightly higher than Donald Trump’s. These are two widely disliked and distrusted candidates, perceived by millions of people to be representatives of a wealthy elite or the oligarchy.

Chelsea Clinton described her mother in glowing terms, as “wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious.” One wondered who she could be talking about. The degree of exaggeration only made the comments absurd. The banalization of American politics has reached a new level. Even some of the crowd at the convention looked embarrassed."    See Walsh Article


The Clinton's are a true American Horror story and their last season has finally begun ~ hopefully it will be terminated or (like the Sopranos) fade to black but in this case will much more likely end with World War III.


"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."  ~  Mark Twain

 Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and is a featured guest on many radio and Television programs

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Imperious Queen Hillary at the Podium


When things get to politically hectic or unpredictable, I usually turn to humor or satire to help lead me to another perspective and in the case of this year's 2016 Presidential election ~ the Onion brilliantly assists along with a weekend major WikiLeaks release which nails Hillary on her principle character flaw, trustworthiness: Allen L Roland. PhD


"Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases" John Adams

With just a few days to go before Hillary Clinton is expected to accept her party's nomination for president, WikiLeaks on Friday released almost 20,000 emails sent and received by Democratic National Committee staff members from January 2015 to May 2016 ~ leaving journalists scouring for information potentially damaging to the party and which already implicates her loyal subject Debbie Wasserman, DNC Chairperson ~ who most certainly rigged the Primary for Queen Hillary.

In response to the leaks, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said Saturday that the emails show "what many of us have known for some time, that there were certainly people at the DNC who were actively helping the Clinton effort and trying to hurt Bernie Sanders' campaign."


With that said and the dust still settling ~ the presumptive nominees from both parties must now assess how to approach the general election. Here is how Hillary Clinton is strategizing her campaign moving forward (Many are courtesy of the Onion)

  • Woo Bernie supporters by becoming 30 percent more curmudgeonly
  • Hold focus groups to help her appeal to a more diverse array of America’s corporate entities
  • Establish strategic headquarters in thousands of swing living rooms
  • Delete folder on laptop titled “Liabilities 1998-2006
  • Preempt Trump’s wild conspiracy theories by clarifying exactly which former aides committed suicide and which did not
  • Targeted TV ads that remind viewers she can win this thing without their vote if she has to
  • Delay border wall proposal until inauguration
  • Surprise loyal supporters by dropping into a few quarterly earnings meetings unannounced
  • Go window-to-window in key districts to glare at undecided voters
  • Mothball your husband and former discredited President Bill Clinton indefinitely.
  • Kill the pantsuits and show some leg
  • Be less imperious ~ laughing and stating "We came, We saw and He died" when former ally and head of State Ghaddafi was brutally assassinated is not compassionate nor presidential and most unsettling to your dictator friends and Clinton foundation donors ~ see video


Truth dig editor in chief Bob Scheer tells Paul Jay (Real News) that while Trump is a real fascist threat, people should consider voting for a third party rather than support Clinton ~ which I completely agree with.

Scheer specifically mentions the Green Party's presumptive Presidential candidate Jill Stein and rightfully implies that her progressive voice must be heard during the Presidential Debates.


See must see interview with Bob Scheer on Real News ~ 


Clinton and Tim Kaine / Two war hawks in flight


In selecting Kaine as VP, Hillary Clinton is clearly stating that she will be running a pro-war campaign targeted at winning over the military and sections of the Republican Party dissatisfied with Trump. She also effectively repudiates any association with the issues of social inequality that motivated the widespread support for her main rival in the primaries, Bernie Sanders ~ and in effect has said  "It's my turn, Bernie ~ so deal with it".

See Tom Hall (ICH) comments on Kaine VP selection ~


Here's our scorecard in Iraq ~ and you wonder what fuels terrorist blowback ?



1.2 million Iraqis killed in 2003


3 million dead because of 13 years of sanctions


5 million forcibly displaced since 2003



Neofascist Trump or Corporate Neocon Clinton Are No Choice at All


Both the DNC War makers RNC War party are part of the Political War Racket or as David Swanson wrote ~ "Laugh about it, wrote Paul Simon. Shout about it. When you've got to choose. Every way you look at it you lose. Unless you support Jill Stein and/or build a more principled peace movement."  Read ICH article ~


Of course, once again, I will not be choosing the lesser of two evils and will instead be voting for the good Dr. Jill Stein ~ the Green Party's presumptive nominee for President and I look forward to her presence in the Presidential debates as well as her nomination at the 2016 Green Party's Presidential Convention in early August, 2016.


 An uneasy reminder for those who can remember ~




I remind you all once again of the rise of that strange Austrian fellow in the 1930's, named Adolf Hitler, who rode a groundswell of apathy and fascist nationalism to victory and shocked a German nation as well as the world in the process. Here he is in full color with English subtitles and, like the Donald, he sold himself to the party as the answer to all of German's problems and demanded the party to believe in him as Hess exults in the final moment at the party's convention ~ "The party is Hitler as Hitler is Germany and Germany is Hitler "  See 10 minute video ~


I will summarize the last anti-war Presidential candidate Jill Stein's strengths and weaknesses after the Democratic Convention


“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”  ~ Mark Twain



Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and is a featured guest on many radio and Television programs


Tuesday, July 19, 2016



When things get to politically hectic or unpredictable, I usually turn to humor or satire to help lead me to another perspective and in the case of this years 2016 Presidential election ~ the Onion brilliantly delivers: Allen L Roland. PhD

With the primaries behind them, the presumptive nominees from both parties must now assess how to approach the general election. Here is how Donald Trump is strategizing his campaign moving forward (Most are the Courtesy of the Onion)

  • Dispense with broad racist rhetoric from the primary season and replace it with specific racist policy
  • Increase fundraising with targeted collections from prominent Trump University debtors
  • Eventually get around to researching issues beyond immigration that a president might encounter
  • Hand out free, colorful patches to Muslim Americans
  • Schedule several sympathetic morning show appearances with entire family except Tiffany
  • Continue financing up-to-the-minute research on the latest hearsay
  • Take three-week campaign sabbatical to volunteer at rural Guatemalan health clinic
  • Sew up the white supremacist vote once and for all with pretty great tweet scheduled for August 3
  • Build a national campaign infrastructure if and when it feels necessary to do so.

.   Continue to build on campaign of fear, intimidation and Islamophobia

.   Plagiarize Obama's acceptance speech similar to Melania's plagiarizing portions of Michelle's convention speech of 2008.

.  Rope in the sheeple with a Nixonian Law and Order campaign.


Of course, I will not be choosing the lesser of two evils and will instead be voting for the good Dr. Jill Stein ~ the Green Party's presumptive nominee for President and look forward to her presence in the Presidential debates. God help us all in November. See

Trump’s ghostwriter on “The Art of the Deal says he feels “a deep sense of remorse.” (The New Yorker)  See must read Article By Jane Mayer ~

“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth ~ and regrets it": Jane Mayer, New Yorker

Allen L Roland, PhD                          

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and is a featured guest on many radio and Television programs

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Watch closely Hillary's body language as she obviously lies during her recent news conference and how a black aide literally pulls her off the stage before she says too much ~ much like Nixon's body language after his famous I am not a crook speech in 1973 while supposedly welcoming an inquiry from the press about his obstruction of justice: Allen L Roland, PhD



Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut  1:47

by ReasonTV / ~ I have nothing to hide speech in 2016 after a FBI review of her incriminating personal emails.




Richard Nixon vs the press ~ I am not a crook speech 43 years ago with a stack of his own incriminating tapes on a table behind him.Two minute video ~


It been 43 years since Nixon's speech and some things never change regarding politicians and how many are corrupted by power as well as their own arrogance, hubris, sense of entitlement and infallibility.


I would most certainly be remiss if I did not include Bill Clinton's contribution to the Clinton's well-oiled lie machine on January 26, 1998 ~ I  minute video


Perhaps only H.L. Mencken can makes sense of this ~

 “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable...”
~ H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: Third Series


WSWS perfectly captured the recent unity meeting in Portsmouth, Maine between Sanders and Clinton ~ "The unity rally featuring Sanders and Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, had all the spontaneity and enthusiasm of a going-out-of-business sale. The funereal atmosphere was perhaps fitting, because with the demise of the Sanders campaign, the Democratic Party has demonstrated, for the thousandth time, its historical role as the graveyard of progressive movements and efforts to achieve reform through the capitalist two-party system."  See article ~


I'm disgusted and going green in 2016 and for the same reason I did in 2012. See VT Column.



 Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and is a featured guest on many radio and Television programs