Friday, January 22, 2016



Senator Bernie Sanders and UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn

As the inevitability of real change increases, resistance and backlash also increases as I have most certainly experienced in my heart centered work within the VA Medical establishment ~ but there comes a time when a tipping point is reached and the inevitable becomes a growing reality as we are now witnessing with the rise of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn to positions of real leadership in a troubled world community: Allen L Roland, PhD

“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
~ Albert Einstein

 In October of 2015, I wrote that there is a reason that Bernie Sanders has surged ahead in the Presidential Primary Polls and that Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn has done the same thing in the UK ~ it’s people power and it won’t and can't be stopped. The refreshing honesty and agenda of Bernie Sanders is a lifeboat in a sea of political deception and lost hope and soon he will be joined by the UK’s Jeremy Corbyn as a worldwide counter balance to corporate power and the global elite as well as a genuine reflection of a new world order based on people power ~ and now it's moving closer to a reality. See VT post ~

But we must first realize that all true change is resisted for the stumbling blocks on the path of the weak often become stepping stones on the path of the strong ~ as I well know in introducing real change to the VA through my heart centered work with Combat Veterans with PTSD.

But this backlash phenomenon also exists on a much larger political stage as we are witnessing in the 2016 Presidential primaries and well as in the UK with the emergence of Labor leader Jeremy Corbin.

To better understand this phenomenon ~ let's separate this resistance into stages ~ because in many ways it is similar to Schopenhauer's three stages of truth ("All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.") ~ except in this case, there are seven stages.

Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, brilliantly summarizes these stages in his recent article ~ The Seven Stages of Establishment Backlash:


 " For those who observed the unfolding of the British reaction to Corbin's victory, it’s been fascinating to watch the D.C./Democratic establishment’s reaction to Sanders’ emergence replicate that, reading from the same script. I personally think Clinton’s nomination is extremely likely, but evidence of a growing Sanders movement is unmistakable. Because of the broader trends driving it, this is clearly unsettling to establishment Democrats ~ as it should be….. A poll last week found that Sanders has a large lead with millennial voters, including young women; as Rolling Stone put it: “Young female voters support Bernie Sanders by an expansive margin.”

The New York Times yesterday trumpeted that, in New Hampshire, Sanders “has jumped out to a 27 percentage point lead,” which is “stunning by New Hampshire standards.” The Wall Street Journal yesterday, in an editorial titled “Taking Sanders Seriously,” declared it is “no longer impossible to imagine the 74-year-old socialist as the Democratic nominee."

Greenwald goes on to confirm that there is a direct correlation between the strength of Sanders and the violent violent opposition and backlash it has triggered within the Democratic establishment and major media ~  " There were, roughly speaking, seven stages to this establishment revolt in the U.K. against Corbyn, and the U.S. reaction to Sanders is closely following the same script:

STAGE 1: Polite condescension toward what is perceived to be harmless (we think it’s really wonderful that your views are being aired).

STAGE 2: Light, casual mockery as the self-belief among supporters grows (no, dears, a left-wing extremist will not win, but it’s nice to see you excited).

STAGE 3: Self-pity and angry etiquette lectures directed at supporters upon realization that they are not performing their duty of meek surrender, flavoured with heavy doses of concern trolling (nobody but nobody is as rude and gauche online to journalists as these crusaders, and it’s unfortunately hurting their candidate’s cause!).

STAGE 5: Brazen invocation of right-wing attacks to marginalize and demonize, as polls prove the candidate is a credible threat (he’s weak on terrorism, will surrender to ISIS, has crazy associations, and is a clone of Mao and Stalin).

STAGE 6: Issuance of grave and hysterical warnings about the pending apocalypse if the establishment candidate is rejected, as the possibility of losing becomes imminent (you are destined for decades, perhaps even generations, of powerlessness if you disobey our decrees about who to select).

STAGE 7: Full-scale and unrestrained meltdown, panic, lashing-out, threats, recriminations, self-important foot-stomping, overt union with the Right, complete fury (I can no longer in good conscience support this party of misfits, terrorist-lovers, communists, and heathens). "
So what stage are we entering now on the verge of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries and Greenwald delivers his ominous verdict ~

"Britain is well into Stage 7, and may even invent a whole new level (anonymous British military officials expressly threatened a “mutiny if Corbyn were democratically elected as prime minister). The Democratic media and political establishment has been in the heart of Stage 5 for weeks and is now entering Stage 6. The arrival of Stage 7 is guaranteed if Sanders wins Iowa."
See Greenwald RSN report ~

Political Change, like climate change, is upon us and there is no painless path to transformation ~ for it involves letting go of the past and embracing the future ~ which both individually and politically is not an easy task. In that sense, both Sanders and Corbyn are needed catalysts for change.

“The power of a bold idea uttered publicly in defiance of dominant opinion cannot be easily measured. Those special people who speak out in such a way as to shake up not only the self-assurance of their enemies, but the complacency of their friends, are precious catalysts for change.” ~ Howard Zinn, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times

Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and  guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on


Sunday, January 17, 2016



Turning 82 in good health is a major achievement in these troubled times but without a doubt my greatest achievement, as well as gift to mankind, has been to find and identify a great truth that I once profoundly felt and knew as a very young child. It was then finding the determination and courage to live and demonstrate in my work that a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness lay not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears and that its principle property is the universal urge to unite ~ which we continue to resist at our collective peril: Allen L Roland, PhD

"I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom
 of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time." Jack London

My whole life has been a journey, a quest, to find a lost little boy within myself who once knew, and longed to share the truths that I am now sharing with you ~ a little boy who profoundly experienced at the deepest level within myself, a love and joy that indelibly connected me to all of nature ~ It was my first experience of the Unified Field .

That early childhood experience at four years old, happened while living with my beloved grandfather in Newtonville, Massachusetts with my mother and brothers. It was where I profoundly experienced that deepest within myself was a love and joy that indelibly connected me to everything around me as well as all of nature ~ it was my first conscious awareness of a  Unified Field of love and soul consciousness that exists beyond time and space.

One day while playing alone in my room I heard my favorite song on the radio ~ it was Gene Autrey's "I'm Back in the Saddle Again". My inner joy was too great to contain and I felt an incredible urge to share it ~ so I turned the radio up full volume, stood on my tiptoes, opened the window and leaned out into that gorgeous New England summer day.

Gene Autrey's Back in the Saddle again, 1939 ~ Youtube

Immediately, an overwhelming sense of delight seemed to lift me out of myself ~ an utterly amazing feeling of knowing and awareness rose from deep within me, a feeling of incredible joy and oneness with all things around me ~ and I totally surrendered to it.

For a few ecstatic moments, I sensed, knew, that I was not alone. This awesome joy lifted me out of myself and was somehow connected to all and everything ~ and I was part of it.

At four years old, I knew ~ for a few moments ~ that I was a beloved and essential part of a loving universe ~ I was in the Unified Field of love and soul consciousness.

Two years later, when I was suddenly taken away from my grandfather, my heart closed and I checked out. Emotionally, I stopped growing and for the next 30 years that transcendent moment of soul consciousness remained buried beneath a well of grief, a mantle of psychic pain, aloneness and despair ~ it hurt too deeply to feel anything deeply. But in the midst of that initial pain, I had a vision of the Golden Gate bridge, water and houses ~ a moment in time precognitive vision that I would eventually walk into 40 years later. See

So my whole lifetime narrative became an unconscious Quest to find that little boy and empower him to feel that deeply again and own and share his joyful truth with the world.

In essence, the psychic pain of being seemingly separated from love is so great that emotionally we stop growing and our lives become a quest to recreate that pain in a subconscious attempt to go beneath that pain and reunite with our original state of wholeness and joy.

As such, all of our love relationships are steps on this quest until we finally embrace the grand prize ~ our authentic self and our part in a universal loving plan ~ the Unified Field .

It was Teilhard who wrote in his last unpublished work, LE CHRISTIQUE ( The promised land )cid:image002.gif@01CCFD04.70EE8C80 of the inevitable consequences when this truth appears ; "sooner or later there will be a chain reaction ~ for the truth has to appear only once, in one single mind, for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze."

Thus, we are rapidly reaching the point where psychology, science and religion are all drawing closer to this great truth.

Let me use the findings of the recent Nobel Prize winning researchers , Politzer, Gross and Wilczek, to prove my point. They won the 2004 Nobel prize in physics for their studies of the "strong Force" ~ the powerful and mysterious energy that holds the nuclei of atoms together .

They explained the mystifying qualities of the strong force, which holds together the fundamental building blocks of nature, called QUARKS, to form protons and neutrons ~ two of the basic components of atoms.

Now, this is when it gets interesting.

Independently, they developed the theory and the mathematical equations to show that Quarks are held together by the strong force which, unlike any other force in the universe, gets stronger as the quarks get farther apart ~ a concept now known as "Asymptotic Freedom".

The simplest analogy is to a rubber band encircling two objects. When the objects are close together, the rubber band fits loosely. But as they are drawn apart, the rubber band stretches, trying to pull them back together.

But I would now add that Asymptotic Freedom exists not only in the quantum world of the atom but also in the world of planets and galaxies. In the February 2007 issue of Scientific American, Christopher Conselice writes of THE UNIVERSE'S INVISIBLE HAND ~ DARK ENERGY. His description of dark energy in space is exactly the same as how Asymptotic Freedom is described in the quantum world of the atom:

" Dark Energy does more than hurry along the expansion of the universe . It has a strangle hold on the shape and spacing of galaxies. Dark Energy, unlike matter, does not clump in some places more than others; by its very nature, it is spread smoothly everywhere. Dark energy links everything together "

Now, here is my take on these findings as applied to my Unified Field of Love and Soul Consciousness.

The strong force in the atom is also the urge to unite which is the principle property of my Unified Field. It is the same urge to unite that Einstein found when he discovered that photons ( light particles ) have a tendency to travel together versus act randomly ~ which eventually led to the discovery of the laser.

It is also the same urge to unite that Teilhard de Chardin speaks of when he wrote ~ If there were no real propensity to unite, even at a prodigiously rudimentary level, indeed, in the molecule itself ~ it would be physically impossible for love to appear higher up in the ' humanized ' or human form .

It is also the same urge to unite that loved ones feel when they are separated from each other ~ and the further apart the stronger the pull to be back together. Since I'm a twin, I can really relate to this urge to unite when I was sometimes separated from my twin in early childhood and now, since he died two years ago, he has returned to this Unified Field of love and soul consciousness and is one of my guardian angels.

Asymptotic Freedom, the quantum strong force urge to unite, aka the Unified Field, not only exists within the atom but also exists in space as Dark Energy thus uniting the quantum world of the atom with the outer physical world of gravity, planets and galaxies (the Microcosm and the Macrocosm).

This would also seemingly explain how the urge to unite would increase as the Universe continues to expand  (much like a rubber band).

As such, it is a force that is stronger than Gravity !

Thus, the one constant of the universe would no longer be light at 186,000 miles per second for even light particles (photons) are subject to this force field of love ~ this driving propensity to unite which exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears and within the atom itself as Asymptotic Freedom.

This would also explain why mankind is in the process of uniting while we seemingly are dividing and pulling away from each other.

And finally, on an individual level , it would explain the evolutionary power of love, altruism and social cooperation ~ and how mankind can no longer resist its innate pull and urge to unite versus fragment and separate.

It was the great Egyptian writer Mahfouz who wrote " When the heart achieves its desire, you shall transcend time and space " and the heart's desire, I would maintain, is to return to its original source of love, joy and soul consciousness ~ the Unified Field which, indeed, transcends time and space.

I first experienced this great source as a four year old child when I leaned out my window in Newtonville, Massachusetts, with my favorite song ( I'm Back in the Saddle Again ) blaring in the background, my heart filled with love and joy, and knew, for a moment in time, that I was connected to all of nature through that same deep love and delight I was feeling deepest within myself .

Thus, my whole life has been a journey to surrender to love, fully open my heart and eventually see through that child's innocent and knowing eyes again ~ and courageously share what I see as I am doing now with you .

Finally, Lincoln Barnett ( who wrote The Universe and Dr Einsteincid:image002.gif@01CCFD04.70EE8C80 ) writes of the eventual philosophical triumph of the discovery of a Unified field ~

"The great philosophical triumph of any Unified Field is implicit in the first word of its title. For it will carry to logical fulfillment the long course of science towards the unification of man's concepts of the physical world.

For from its august perspective, the entire universe would appear as one elemental field in which each atom, each flying electron, each star, each wandering comet and slow-wheeling galaxy is seen to be but a ripple or tumescence in the underlying space-time unity."

And so a profound simplicity would supplant the surface complexity of nature. Thus all man's perceptions of the world and all his abstract intuitions of reality would merge finally into one, and the deep underlying unity of the universe would be laid bare"

The deep underlying unity of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness the Unified Field which exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears and we resist its universal urge to unite at our collective peril.

And this is the truth that shall set everything ablaze!

Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and  guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on


Wednesday, January 13, 2016


The secret to living a spiritual human life is seeing through heart centered eyes and realizing we are all part of a loving plan in action wherein each of us has a part to play ~ if we will but listen and respond to the call of our soul. It was Teilhard de Chardin who knew we were all spiritual beings and that the portal to the soul was love ~ and that love alone was capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them for it alone takes them and joins them to what is deepest within themselves. My contribution to this universal truth, at the age of 82, is in demonstrating, through my life and work, that this energy field of love and soul consciousness lies not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears: Allen L Roland, PhD


"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us, "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest ~  a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." :
Albert Einstein - (1879-1955) Physicist and Professor, Nobel Prize 1921

In my role as a heart centered consultant with over 45 years’ experience of soul retrieval especially with veterans with PTSD, I retrieve buried souls and empower them through love and gratefulness to not only open their hearts but to also find their unique place in a universal loving plan from a place of celebration and service. They soon begin to realize that everything they have ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Here are the eight stages of ego transcendence I demonstrate and teach. Remember that the ego is a projection of what we feel we have to be versus being our true authentic self ~ and it is always born out of deep pain and aloneness.

1. Denial   Everything is fine, there is nothing missing in my life ~ I’m in full control of everything.

  2. Anger    I can’t stay in control and manipulate things any more ~ it’s not working, it’s making me angry.   

  3.Bargaining   I’ll hang on to something so I won’t get out of control and have to deal with the unknown and all those scary feelings deep inside me that I have been continually avoiding.

  4. Depression  Why am I feeling so sad, and it feels so deep. If only I could get out of this pit of despair.

  5. Acceptance / Connection   I’m feeling deep sadness and it’s the same feelings I felt as a child ~ I can’t deny these feelings any longer.

        6. Surrender  I’m letting go and trusting that there is joy beneath my sadness ~ what is this excitement I’m feeling beneath this well of grief and it has nothing to do with someone else
 7. Celebration  I’m truly feeling the joy of being myself and the growing awareness that there is something I’m supposed to be doing ~ I’m beginning to trust the unknown and see through different eyes
8. Service  I’m fully trusting myself, I’m listening and I’m responding to this inner call ~ I want to be in service from this inner place of authentic love, joy and delight.

The most difficult step of ego transcendence is Surrender and letting go of the ego's need to be in control ~ which is always born from a place of seeming isolation and aloneness.

Surrender is also the most important step in ego transcendence ~ for it is the doorway to celebration and service as well as seeing through different eyes.

I have had many personal experiences of the sensory sensation of being in the Unified Field  of love and soul consciousness that exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears but this one stands out ~ for it was a matter of life and death and it became the personal foundation of my belief in this state of soul consciousness that lies beneath our deepest fears.

In the early 1960’s while I was serving as a U.S. Navy all-weather carrier pilot on the USS Ranger on the South China Sea ~ I was launched one stormy dark night in my supersonic interceptor from the forward catapult.

It was a brutal night and I saw that the launch crew chief had all he could do to remain upright on the deck. After climbing into the cockpit I brought the F3H Demon to full throttle and felt the supersonic Navy jet shake with power as it strained against the bridle. Keenly aware of sounds, everything sounded good as I did a final check of my instruments.

The launch crew leader raised his neon batons in the air and waited for my salute, which I gave. The launch crew then released the bridle which would send me hurtling into the stormy night sky at 155 mph within 3 seconds. I braced my head against the headrest and anticipated the sudden 3 G rush of acceleration. Within seconds, thousands of pounds of steam pressure drove me back into my seat and catapulted the plane into the stormy night sky. My hands and eyes quickly swept through the cockpit as I had done hundreds of times before and I awaited my gradual acceleration to climbing speed.

But it did not come. Something was wrong! I was not gaining airspeed! The plane was shaking and obviously close to stalling speed and I was rapidly losing altitude.

Only seconds away from crashing I felt myself being physically crushed by fear and the enormity of my desperate situation. I was going to die! I fought to stay airborne. In a state of total fear and panic I frantically reviewed my only options. Crash, go down with the plane… eject and hope to stay alive long enough in the icy water and be picked up by the carrier which would have to be within 3 minutes.

The stall horn was now blaring! I was only 50 feet over the water and seconds away from crashing and I felt myself being completely crushed into the seat by my fear ~  so I exercised my final option ~  I fully surrendered to that moment!

I let myself be seemingly crushed by fear and in that stillness of complete surrender I suddenly became totally clear, devoid of fear and panic and seemingly beyond time and space ~ the longest split second I have ever experienced!

In that timeless second of total surrender and fearless clarity, I instantly noticed that the gear landing light was still on and that I had obviously mistakenly not raised it after takeoff ~ the plane was carrying too much drag to gain altitude and airspeed and I calmly raised the gear and regained airspeed and altitude.

It was only years later, while experiencing  a re-birthing exercise, did I connect that crushing feeling I had experienced that night on the South China Sea for it was indeed my original birth trauma and I had exercised the same option I did on that fearful night as a navy pilot 28 years later ~ I totally surrendered, and from a place of numbing terror and fear, I was born ~ I still vividly remember the three lights over the birthing table as I opened my fear closed eyes at the Boston Lying In Hospital on the morning of January 18, 1934.

Obviously, part of me knew that a place of timeless and serene calmness, clarity and soul consciousness lay beneath my deepest fears and my life and death experience that night on the USS Ranger forced me to surrender to, embrace and go beneath my fear ~ and it became my first dramatic experience of the reality of a Unified Field  of love and soul consciousness, which later in my life I would embrace and prove by fully surrendering to love.

What happened that night became the foundation of my life’s quest or journey to demonstrate that beneath our deepest fears is a spring of love, joy and soul consciousness and I have helped thousands of others go beyond their fears and surrender to love through my work and book Radical Therapy/ Surrender to Love and Heal yourself in Seven sessions (not seven years) and discover for themselves that love is the foundation of virtually all true emotional healing.

One of my early Band of Brothers participants experienced this very same phenomenon when he did a trust fall from a table with all the other participants stood at the end of the table ready to catch him ~ his first words to me after he surrendered and was being held in our arms ~ "That was the longest split second I have ever experienced"

All my clients have access to these self-healing steps and have read this story in my updated Kindle Book RADICAL THERAPY, SURRENDER TO LOVE AND HEAL YOURSELF IN SEVEN  SESSIONS (not seven years). Here is the Kindle link

 Most people are not aware that you do NOT need a Kindle to read an Amazon eBook. You can download a free program from Amazon called Kindle for PC, and read it on your computer. Link below:  

 And here's a link to the YouTube Skype sessions of the self-healing process I teach and coach ~ Watch, in the first 20 minutes of session five, how Marina conquers her deepest fear by going through them as she demonstrates that beneath her pain and fear is a boundless joy ~ See video


The deep inner peace and clarity I discovered that night on the South China Sea can be the authentic experience of anyone willing to go beyond their fears, surrender to love and heal themselves in the process ~ just as Marina did by embracing and surrendering to her childhood fear that being herself was not enough.

Make no mistake about it, the keys to the magic kingdom of the soul are gratefulness and forgiveness ~ but the payoff is being in service from a state of joy, delight and celebration, for we are finally in sync with our original destiny.

Of course, Being in a spiritual relationship helps immensely as I am with Keiko ~ I define a Spiritual Relationship as two people on a common path to find and celebrate who they really are ~ using the love that exists between them as the vehicle. John and Yoko Lennon were an obvious example.

With still much to spiritually do at 82, I am increasingly aware that I am passing on many spiritual truths regarding the human experiences of my life and work ~ and that is a vital part of being in spiritual service from a place of love and soul consciousness. The words of the great Shawnee chief Tecumseh come to mind.

"Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place. Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your
food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." by: Tecumseh -(1768-1813) Shawnee Chief

Perhaps my death song would be this one by John Lennon ~

Allen L Roland, PhD

Heart centered spiritual consultant and advisor Allen L Roland can be contacted at Allen is also a lecturer and writer who shares a weekly political and social commentary on his web log and website He is also featured columnist on Veterans Today and  guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on