My ongoing theme is always the truth, as I see it, and the exposure of lies, deception and manipulation wherever they exist. I remain firmly convinced that the world can no longer resist its innate urge to unite and co-operate with one another and we are very close to the point where war can no longer be an option if this transformation is to occur. Website: Email:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
We've Been Had, Folks / Are You Ready To Fight Back ?
The American people have been had by the Oligarchy or Economic Elite and Clinton, Bush and Obama as well as their appointees are all co-conspirators. They all answer to the Business roundtable whereas mainstream America's needs are seemingly irrelevant ~ from unwanted wars to true healthcare reform. It's time for real change and it begins with ourselves: Allen L Roland
Millions of Americans, including myself, voted for true change in 2008 and what we got was not only Bush lite but the distinct feeling that we were not only being used but laughed at by the Economic Elite. Here's the big picture ~
50 million Americans now live in poverty
Half of all American children will need foodstamps at some point in their lives
Hunger rates are now at all-time highs
50 million citizens are now without health care
1.4 million filed for bankruptcy last year, 60% of them because of medical bills
13 million are expected to lose their homes before the crisis is over
Meanwhile, we incarcerate more people in the world than any other nation, and a new prison opens somewhere in America every week.
Millions of middle class families now live paycheck to paycheck, as their debts pile up, terrified that a pink slip or a bad health diagnosis will send them tumbling over an economic cliff ~ and over 60% of seniors would be below the poverty level without their monthly social security check.
And get this, the AP reported that on Saturday President Obama signed into law a one-year extension of the USA PATRIOT Act ~ which retained three controversial sections that have vastly expanded the government's ability to run roughshod over the Bill of Rights. On Wednesday, the Senate "approved" the bill on a voice vote with no debate. Politico's Meredith Shiner revealed that Senate Democrats showed they were ashamed of what it was doing by "bundling all reauthorization votes of expiring legislation into one, under the name of a Medicare reform act, and putting out a release afterward ~ with no mention of the Patriot Act's passage."
Obviously, this is a congress who answers primarily to the Economic Elite and is now protecting itself against the very people it supposedly represents.
David DeGraw, AmpedStatus Report, has done America a favor with a six part series on how the Economic Elite dominate our lives ~ and what we can do about it.
I: Casualties of Economic Terrorism, Surveying the Damage
II: The Rise of the Economic Elite
III: Exposing Our Enemy - Meet the Economic Elite
IV: The Financial Coup d’Etat
V: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategy
VI: How to Fight Back and Win: Common Ground Issues That Must Be Won
Excerpts: " Throughout this report, I have presented statistical and fact-based evidence to demonstrate that a strategic attack has been launched against 99% of Americans. Despite the efforts of the mainstream media and most current politicians, awareness of this reality is spreading throughout the United States. A recent Rasmussen poll found that only 21% of Americans think that the government has the consent of the governed. An Opinion Research Corp. survey revealed that 86% believe “the system of government is broken.” .... An overwhelming majority of the population has come to the realization that our government doesn’t effectively represent us anymore. It is just a matter of time before people start taking it upon themselves to begin organizing on a mass scale. Our survival instinct will soon overwhelm our conditioned passivity and erupt into a powerful countervailing force. However, the longer we hesitate and delay action, the harder it will be to obtain economic and political justice "
We've been had, folks ! Are you ready to fight back ?
David outlines several steps from Election Reform to Mass Organized Action. It was Henry David Thoreau who wrote on the duty of civil disobedience ~ “All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency is great and unendurable. And oppression and robbery are organized, I say; let us not have such a machine any longer. I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize.”
And David correctly writes ~ " It’s time for 99% of Americans to mobilize and aggressively move on common sense political reforms."
Once again, we must say " YES, WE CAN " Not to Obama this time but to ourselves ~ for we are the ones we have been waiting for.
The great river of inner transformation and change is running ~ jump in and get involved !
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tech Support / From Dark Ages To Present
Where would we be in this Internet age without Tech Support ~ but every advancement in communication has had the same need. Imagine the dramatic shift from reading scrolls to reading books, without Tech support : Allen L Roland
I remember, many, many years ago, when I made the shift from my electronic typewriter to my first computer. It was like learning to walk, each step a little wobbly and yet excited about the new world I was experiencing through my eyes and, of course, the internet.
It was also a humbling learning experience and thank God for Tech support. It started with my webmaster, then my Internet provider and countless other sources of technical information when I needed it ~ and most of questions had simple and obvious answers.
I'm not talking about manuals here ~ I'm talking about human interaction. For example, imagine what it must have been like in the dark ages when books began to replace scrolls ~ 2 minute Video
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Big Lie Unraveling / 9/11 Cover Up
"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies.": Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Source: Mein Kampf, p. 197(?) 14th Edition.
The big lie of 9/11 is slowly unraveling as more than 1,000 worldwide architects and engineers now support the call for a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Before we yell "conspiracy theory," we should be aware that the architects, engineers, firefighters, and scientists offer no theory. They provide evidence that challenges the official theory. This evidence is not going to go away: Paul Craig Roberts / 2-25-10
On Feb.16, 2010, retired librarian, Elizabeth Woodworth, posted a survey of a turn in the approach to the 9/11 Truth movement in foreign press accounts, from "a 'conspiracy theory' ignoring science and common sense" to "a scientific controversy worthy of debate." Woodward said, "in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic programs investigating the official account." She speculated that the new attitude "might be a sign that worldwide public and corporate media organizations are positioning themselves, and preparing their audiences, for a possible revelation of the truth of the claim that forces within the U.S.government were complicit in the attacks ~ a revelation that would call into question the publicly given rationale for the military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan." do do remember that a peer-reviewed paper published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal on April 3, 2009, reported that a little known high-tech explosive called nano-thermite was found throughout the World Trade Center dust.
Now, let's quickly review the key Congressional representatives, 9/11 commission members, senior Intelligence people and goverment officials who, along with millions of Americans including myself, are still not satisfied with the official 9/11 inquiry or cover-up.
According to the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, an FBI informant had hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location, and that a high-level FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under orders from the White House (confirmed here)
Current Democratic U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy said "The two questions that the congress will not ask . . . is why did 9/11 happen on George Bush's watch when he had clear warnings that it was going to happen? Why did they allow it to happen?"
Current Republican Congressman Ron Paul calls for a new 9/11 investigation and states that "we see the [9/11] investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on"
Current Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich hints that we aren't being told the truth about 9/11
Former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel states that he supports a new 9/11 investigation and that we don't know the truth about 9/11
Former Republican Senator Lincoln Chaffee endorses a new 9/11 investigation
Former U.S. Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg says that the U.S. government "assisted" in the 9/11 attacks, stating that "I think there was a lot of help from the inside"
Former U.S. Republican Congressman and senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, and who served six years as the Chairman of the Military Research and Development Subcommittee Curt Weldon has shown that the U.S. tracked hijackers before 9/11, is open to hearing information about explosives in the Twin Towers, and is open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job
And 9/11 Commissioners:
The Commission's co-chairs said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements (free subscription required)
9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right", that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue.
9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said "We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting"
9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: "It is a national scandal"; "This investigation is now compromised"; and "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up"
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that "There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn't have access . . . ."
And the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) - who led the 9/11 staff's inquiry - recently said "At some level of the government, at some point in time...there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened ". He also said "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described .... The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.... This is not spin. This is not true."
And senior intelligence officers:
A number of intelligence officials, including a CIA Operations Officer who co-chaired a CIA multi-agency task force coordinating intelligence efforts among many intelligence and law enforcement agencies (Lynne Larkin) sent a joint letter to Congress expressing their concerns about “serious shortcomings,” “omissions,” and “major flaws” in the 9/11 Commission Report and offering their services for a new investigation (they were ignored)
Former military analyst and famed whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg recently said that the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower is "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers". He also said that the government is ordering the media to cover up her allegations about 9/11. And he said that some of the claims concerning government involvement in 9/11 are credible, that "very serious questions have been raised about what they [U.S. government officials] knew beforehand and how much involvement there might have been", that engineering 9/11 would not be humanly or psychologically beyond the scope of the current administration, and that there's enough evidence to justify a new, "hard-hitting" investigation into 9/11 with subpoenas and testimony taken under oath.
A 27-year CIA veteran, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials (Raymond McGovern) said “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke”, and is open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job.
A 29-year CIA veteran, former National Intelligence Officer (NIO) and former Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis (William Bill Christison) said “I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. ... All three [buildings that were destroyed in the World Trade Center] were most probably destroyed by controlled demolition charges placed in the buildings before 9/11.".
20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer (David Steele) stated that "9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war", and it was probably an inside job .
A decorated 20-year CIA veteran, who Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh called "perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in the Middle East”, and whose astounding career formed the script for the Academy Award winning motion picture Syriana (Robert Baer) said that "the evidence points at" 9/11 having had aspects of being an inside job "
The Division Chief of the CIA’s Office of Soviet Affairs, who served as Senior Analyst from 1966 - 1990. He also served as Professor of International Security at the National War College from 1986 - 2004 (Melvin Goodman) said "The final [9/11 Commission] report is ultimately a coverup."
Professor of History and International Relations, University of Maryland. Former Executive Assistant to the Director of the National Security Agency, former military attaché in China, with a 21-year career in U.S. Army Intelligence (Major John M. Newman, PhD, U.S. Army) questions the government's version of the events of 9/11.
And other government officials:
U.S. General, Commanding General of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, decorated with the Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Purple Heart (General Wesley Clark) said "We've never finished the investigation of 9/11 and whether the administration actually misused the intelligence information it had. The evidence seems pretty clear to me. I've seen that for a long time."
Former Deputy Secretary for Intelligence and Warning under Nixon, Ford, and Carter (Morton Goulder), former Deputy Director to the White House Task Force on Terrorism (Edward L. Peck), and former US Department of State Foreign Service Officer (J. Michael Springmann), as well as a who's who of liberals and independents) jointly call for a new investigation into 9/11
The Group Director on matters of national security in the U.S. Government Accountability Office said that President Bush did not respond to unprecedented warnings of the 9/11 disaster and conducted a massive cover-up instead of accepting responsibility
President of the U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board, who also served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review, and who was awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses for Heroism, four Air Medals, four Meritorious Service Medals, and nine Aerial Achievement Medals (Lt. Col. Jeff Latas) is a member of a group which doubts the government's version of 9/11
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan (Col. Ronald D. Ray) said that the official story of 9/11 is "the dog that doesn't hunt"
The former director of the FBI (Louis Freeh) says there was a cover up by the 9/11 Commission
Director of the U.S. "Star Wars" space defense program in both Republican and Democratic administrations, who was a senior air force colonel who flew 101 combat missions (Col. Robert Bowman) stated: "If our government had merely [done] nothing, and I say that as an old interceptor pilot ~ I know the drill, I know what it takes, I know how long it takes, I know what the procedures are, I know what they were, and I know what they’ve changed them to ~ if our government had merely done nothing, and allowed normal procedures to happen on that morning of 9/11, the Twin Towers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would still be alive. That is treason!"
The truth always goes through three stages ~ First, it is ridiculed ~ second, it is violently opposed and finally, it is accepted as being self evident.
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Hurt Locker, PTSD and The Moon Is Down
PTSD can be accelerated when you feel constantly hated and unwanted as we are in Iraq and Afghanistan ~ and as brilliantly depicted in the film The Hurt Locker. But Steinbeck's novel The Moon Is Down fully captures the inner agony and guilt of occupation: Allen L Roland
You are badly mistaken if you don't realize that the inner agony and guilt of occupying a country or countries, which despise and hate us, can result in inner torture, guilt and agony and certainly lead to PTSD.
The Oscar nominated film, The Hurt Locker, captures this same pervasive hatred as an Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Unit goes about its risky job of defusing remote-controlled improvised explosive devices ( IED's ) in Baghdad ~ while Iraqis watch and obviously hope that the devices will explode and destroy the hated occupiers.
Is it any wonder that British soldiers have gone on the run from their posts on more than 17,000 occasions since the start of the Iraq war ? Official figures from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) show that there were more than 2,000 cases of soldiers going absent without leave (awol) last year, with 17,470 incidents recorded since the Iraq invasion in 2003.
But, if you really want to know what our troops are going through in illegally occupied Iraq and Afghanistan ~ read John Steinbeck's ' The Moon is Down ' or better yet read Paul Rockwell's poetic and moving commentary ' The Agony of Occupation / The flies have conquered the flypaper ' from Common Dreams .
Excerpt: " It is impossible to read Steinbeck's masterpiece without thinking about our own soldiers in Iraq , about their daily fear, the growing tendency for revenge, the agony of conquest. 'The Moon is Down' is not primarily about the Norwegian people, or even about the resistance. It's about the terror, the self-doubts, the slow transformation of arrogance to self-loathing, under which invaders live... 'The Moon is Down' is not about the violence; it's about the psychology of occupation. Steinbeck focuses on the inability of occupying soldiers to cope with the ingratitude of a "liberated" people. Germans trusted their leaders and expected to be greeted with flowers, not contempt. The public hatred of the occupation, not sabotage alone, destroys German morale ... When a lieutenant is upset by the hostility of the local population, his commander admonishes him: "I will not lie to you, Lieutenant. They should have trained you for this, and not for flower-strewn streets. They should have built your soul with truth, not led you along with lies. But you took the job, Lieutenant. We can't take care of your soul." The occupiers are not pacified. "Captain, is this place conquered?" "Of course," the captain replies. But the listener cracks. "Conquered and we're afraid, conquered and we're surrounded. The flies have conquered the fly paper ! "
If you want to get a feel of what American troops go through in Iraq and Afghanistan ~ watch The Hurt Locker and read Steinbeck's The Moon is Down and realize that eventually The Flies will conquer the fly paper in both Iraq and Afghanistan and as they most certainly did in Vietnam.
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Black History Month Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr
How can black history month be complete without a musical tribute to its non violent hero Martin Luther King Jr whose passion, intention and voice stirred millions to action and changed our world in the process: Allen L Roland
What better way to end Black History month then with a 13 minute video that features Billy Wilson's musical tribute to the peaceful warrior ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Vermont's Underground Radioactive Lake
President Obama's recently announced 8 Billion dollar publicly financed start up of the Nuclear Industry in Georgia, with loan guarentees of 54 Billion, goes in the face of the fact that 25% of America's nuclear reactors are leaking radioactive material with the potential of huge future taxpayer liabilities and bailouts: Allen L Roland
The Associated Press recently reported that at least 27 of 104 nuclear reactors across the United States are leaking potentially dangerous levels of tritium into the groundwater around the plants ~ which includes Vermont Yankee Nuclear plant. This reactor is evidently pumping large amounts underground under the reactor in badly leaking disintegrating pipes.
Entergy, the Louisiana-based energy giant that owns the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, is once again winning applause from Wall Street. The finance industry magazine Institutional Investor lists Entergy as the top electric utility in the country and one of the top nine companies in the nation.
Last week, by the way, J.P. Morgan upgraded Entergy’s stock.
“Industry insiders love Entergy,” said VPIRG Executive Director Paul Burns. “They can’t seem to get enough of the kind of short-term, take-the-money-and-run business model that looks great on the Dow Jones, but that’s what gave us the Enron scandal and, more recently, triggered the largest economic collapse since the Depression.”
On a February 2nd conference call with investors, Entergy CFO Denault told his audience that fourth-quarter cash flow was up $300 million, in part due to “lower working capital requirements.”
Here are the facts , folks.
" Since Entergy bought Yankee in 2002, the aging plant, located in Vernon, Vermont, has suffered a series of mishaps, including a fire, the collapse of a cooling tower, and most recently a tritium leak that has created an underground pool of radioactive water the size of a football field, and at least 30 feet deep. Some of that tritium, which is carcinogenic, has reached the nearby Connecticut River. "
“We’ve seen fires, radiation leaks, and collapsing cooling towers, and now we know Entergy boosted its bottom line by skimping on maintenance at Yankee,” Burns said. “We’re the ones wondering when the tritium is going to reach our drinking water. We’re the ones being handed a long-term deal for less power at higher costs. We’re the ones who may be on the hook for a large chunk of a billion-dollar cleanup.” Burns noted that Entergy’s “working capital requirements” also do not, apparently, include the decommissioning fund that is supposed to pay for cleaning up the plant. That fund is currently under $500 million, and the estimated cleanup costs are $1 billion. ."
Sound familiar ? Think too big to fail banks and Investment houses as well as Insurance giants and now it's the nuclear Industry's turn to milk the golden cow of the Obama administration's corporate largesse or political handouts ~ and at the expense, once again, of the American taxpayer.
FAIR reports that both ABC and NBC mentioned that the Georgia plant would be the first built in the U.S. in three decades, yet neither gave much of an explanation as to why this would be the case. " But as nuclear power critics have documented for years, the plants have proven to be financial disasters, with severe cost overruns and a general reluctance among investors to foot the bill for projects that are unlikely to be profitable " (Greenpeace, 10/15/08).
Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute, a longtime critic of the nuclear power industry, told Amy Goodman ( Truthdig, Feb 8, 2010 ) “If you buy more nuclear plants, you’re going to get about two to 10 times less climate solution per dollar, and you’ll get it about 20 to 40 times slower, than if you buy instead the cheaper, faster stuff that is walloping nuclear and coal and gas.”
In his 2008 report “The Nuclear Illusion,” Lovins writes, “Nuclear power is continuing its decades-long collapse in the global marketplace because it’s grossly uncompetitive, unneeded, and obsolete—so hopelessly uneconomic that one needn’t debate whether it’s clean and safe; it weakens electric reliability and national security; and it worsens climate change compared with devoting the same money and time to more effective options.”
Obama's pledge of multi-billion dollar loan guarantees should cause reporters to wonder why the industry, after decades of experience, needs so much government assistance in the first place ~ unless, of course, we are looking at another Industry corporate and political bailout, which the American taxpayer should immediately reject. Or perhaps, Robert Alvarez, who served as senior policy adviser to the Energy Department's secretary and deputy assistant secretary for national security and the environment from 1993 to 1999, is correct when he ominously predicts that more of the nation’s tapped-out treasure is apparently going to be used for costly nuclear power, and nuclear weapons we don’t need and could never use.
Incidentally, President Obama's Energy Plan as a candidate stated….." there is no future for expanded nuclear without first addressing four key issues: public right-to-know, security of nuclear fuel and waste, waste storage, and [nuclear weapons] proliferation.”
Allen L Roland http://allenlrolandsweblog.blogspot.comThis weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Congressional Reform Act Of 2010
It's time for action by the American electorate in order to take our Republic back from the Plutocracy. The Congressional Reform Act of 2010 will restore the original intent of our founding fathers for citizen legislators ~ serve your limited term with honor, go home and go back to work: Allen L Roland
The founding document of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, states that governments derive "their just powers from the consent of the governed." Today, however, just 21% of voters nationwide believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed ( Rasmussen Polls )
Four out of five voters rightfully feel that Congress is more interested in serving special interests than voters ~ so let's dramatically remind them who they work for. A government by the wealthy ( Plutocracy ) serves only Wall Street and leaves Main Street disillusioned, angry and rebellious as it most certainly is now.
Here are the telling results of the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. A few key observations ~
1. When asked what the most important problem facing the country is (question 4), here were the winners:
Jobs: 27%
Economy: 25%
Other: 16%
Health Care: 13%
Budget Deficit: 4%
DK/NA: 4%
2. Three-quarters of the public disapproves of Congress, matching the highest level measured by the New York Times/CBS News Poll since it began asking the question in 1977. Four out of five voters thought Congress was more interested in serving special interests than voters.
3. Only 8% of Americans think that “most members of Congress” deserve re-election ~ so here's my timely solution which will finally restore power to the tax paying voters of America.
Serving in Congress should be an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serving their term(s), and then going home and back to work ~ so here's the solution in eight basic steps.
Congressional Reform Act of 2010
1. Term Limits: 8 years maximum, one of the possible options below.
A. Two four year Senate terms
B. Four Two year House terms
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding
Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
2. No Tenure / No Pension:
A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security:
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, server your term(s), then go home and back to work.
4.. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
5.. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3% and no more than social security.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.
The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
Pass this around to you friends and maybe we can begin the process of taking our Republic back.
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Rise And Fall Of The American Presidency
This President's day let us reflect not only on our Presidents, from Washington to Obama, but also on the fact that the President no longer answers to Congress and the American electorate but most certainly answers to the New World Order ~ meaning the global financial elite and the Bilderberg group: Allen L Roland
Take time this week to watch perhaps one the most important documentaries of the past decade. I've seen it twice but now, since the election of Barack Obama, it rings even more true and at the same time ominous for our crumbling Republic.
As the film points out in detail ~ All of Obama's multitude of broken promises become understandable when you begin to realize that his primary allegiance is to the global financial elite and the Bilderberg group ~ and not to the American electorate. The secretive Bilderberg group is 125 of the financially elite of the world with the Council of Foreign Relations as its American affiliate. Make no mistake about it ~ its a world where bankers rule.
And who was one of the top two contributors to the election of Barack Obama ~ Goldman Sachs at $ 994,000.
Obviously, George W ( What me responsible ? ) Bush set the stage for this coup by the financial elite with his systematic shredding of the Constitution and his obvious abuse of executive power ~ at the expense of the American electorate.
Obama is, in essence, a black face on The same New World Financial Order ~ a corporate pitchman for the global elite and a puppet for the oligarchy. As Henry Kissinger has often insinuated ~ Obama is the perfect person to sell the New World Order to the American people. This is why virtually every Obama appointment supports the status quo, this is why Wall Street is still in full control and this is why Main Street is still drinking the Obama kool aid.
The film is entitled THE OBAMA DECEPTION and it's almost two hours long but its worth the time. Its central theme is No matter who is allowed to run for president, or who gets elected, they all have been, since Kennedy, the puppets of an unelected, shadow government of a wealthy elite that doesn't change from administration to administration ~ and whose central purpose is a financial New World Order.
A century ago, President Woodrow Wilson gave the most accurate description of how the American political system operates: "The men really consulted are the men who have the big stake ~ the big bankers, the big manufacturers and the big masters of commerce ... The masters of the government of the United States are the combined capitalists and manufacturers of the United States" ~ except now the masters of the government of the United States are the Bilderberg Group and the combined global financial elite and, make no mistake about it, Obama bows and answers to them.
Obviously, this is why George W Bush's major policies have been left virtually untouched by the so-called agent of change ~ Barack Obama. Click on and reflect ~
Speaking of Presidents, Thomas Jefferson prophetically wrote in 1802 ~ " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
It's time to take back our Republic and it starts with the audit and dismantling of the Federal Reserve ~ the conduit for the global elite and New World Order.
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A Heart That Loves Is Forever Young
Animals are not only reservoirs of love but are constant reminders that deepest within us is a profound thread of love that runs through all and doth all unite: Allen L Roland
Here's further video proof of the fact that a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness exists not only beyond time and space but also deepest within ourselves.
Happy Valentines day !
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Friday, February 12, 2010
Obama Still Campaigning Versus Leading
The true test of a persons character is not how they handle adversity but how do they handle power. In that respect President Obama has failed ~ for the articulate candidate of action and change, that many of us voted for, has become the consummate Washington political insider who is still in campaign mode and has lost both his base and credibility in the process: Allen L Roland
It's almost every day that I see President Obama on TV whether I'm in my health club or passing through a restaurant and I always internally ask the same question ~ why is he still campaigning and why isn't he leading?
Then I realized that his trusted inner Chicago circle of advisors are all members of his original campaign team and they are obviously still in campaign mode but this time it's the mid term elections ~ Jobs and the economy be dammed !
Every decision now, particularly after the Massachusetts Democratic debacle, is a political decision aimed toward righting the badly listing Obama ship of state and not rocking the boat with a mid-term election in the fall.
Meanwhile Obama is trying to position himself as the Outsider in Chief in order to regain the support of his disillusioned progressive and rapidly vanishing Independent base. Eugene Robinson,Truthout, defined that term perfectly ~ "President Obama's first State of the Union address didn't signal a political shift to the left or the right. It sounded more like a shrewd attempt to move from the inside to the outside ~ to position himself alongside disaffected voters, peering through the windows of the den of iniquity called Washington and reacting with dismay at the depravity within."
It's almost like a detached G.W.Bush looking out of the window of Air force One as it passed over the the chaos of New Orleans ~ a few days after hurricane Katrina ~ instead this time it's President Obama unsuccessfully trying to move outside his role as the consummate Washington insider and main street America is not buying it.
Steve Clemons, Huffington Post, rightfully lays the blame for Obama's sinking popularity on the fact that he would rather campaign than lead ~ " Pundits, Democratic lawmakers and opinion pollsters offer a smorgasbord of reasons ~ from Mr Obama's decision to devote his first year in office to healthcare reform, to the president's inability to convince voters he can "feel their [economic] pain", to the apparent ungovernability of today's Washington. All may indeed have contributed to the quandary in which Mr Obama finds himself. But those around him have a more specific diagnosis ~ and one that is striking in its uniformity. The Obama White House is geared for campaigning rather than governing, they say. "
Obama must learn that there is no true change without action and action always involves risk. Bill Maher compares Obama to Lindsay Lohan: " We see your name in the paper a lot, but we're kind of wondering when you're actually going to do something."
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Combat Vets, PTSD, Drugs And Suicide
We know that the 'reported' death tally in combat is more than 6,000. What we do not know is that these do not include suicides or post evacuation deaths induced by lethal wounds received in combat, nor even the deaths of over 1,000 private contractors. If we include all the wounded, the injured and the medically ill, we have a total of well over 75,000: Dr. Evan Kanter, the president elect of Physicians for Social Responsibility.
A U.S. soldier shot and killed five of his fellow soldiers in late 2008 at a counseling center at a base outside Baghdad in "the worst such attack" of the then six-year Iraq war. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that "such a tragic loss of life at the hands of our own forces is a cause for great and urgent concern."
Gates was right about the urgent concern about our combat forces but the American public still needs to know the full truth regarding PTSD, drugs, the stress of multiple deployments, the rising rate of suicide and the TRUE casualty numbers. That soldier who killed five of his fellow soldiers, by the way, was on his third deployment.
This truth will not come from the Pentagon but Dahr Jamail comes very close to it in his must read May 12, 2009 article in Truthout entitled UNFIT FOR COMBAT where he writes ~ " The shocking story of a soldier killing five of his comrades does not come as a surprise when we consider that the military has, for years now, been sending troops with untreated PTSD back into the US occupation of Iraq... War is an atrocity. War is bilateral psychosis. War brings nothing but destruction and suffering to everyone involved in it, whether they be Iraqi civilians or US soldiers occupying Iraq... Complicating things is that the US military has been medicating soldiers before they are redeployed to Iraq, in order to keep enough boots on the ground. An anonymous survey of US troops taken during Fall 2007, used as part of the data in the Army's fifth Mental Health Advisory Team report, found that 12 percent of combat troops in Iraq and 17 percent in Afghanistan were on prescription drugs that were mostly antidepressants or sleeping pills."
Dahl further comments that two out of five suicide victims among troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have been found to be on antidepressants and then shared a Gregg Zorova report for USA Today on May 8, 2008, that over 43,000 troops declared medically unfit for combat in weeks prior to their scheduled departure to Iraq or Afghanistan were redeployed anyway ~ Army psychiatrist Col. Charles Hoge told Congress in March 2008, " that nearly 30 percent of troops on their third deployment are mental wrecks."
But the highlight of Jamail's article was the comments from Dr. Evan Kanter, the president elect of Physicians for Social Responsibility, a psychiatrist who specializes in treating vets with PTSD. Kanter spoke on behalf of those that he treats and he did not pull any punches ~ " As a doctor I want to talk about these hidden wounds and hidden costs, many of which are intentionally hidden because if people knew the extent of the costs, maybe they would be less prepared to go to war.. We know that the death tally in combat is more than 4,000, represented by the headstones we see around this hall. What we do not know is that these do not include suicides or post evacuation deaths induced by lethal wounds received in combat, nor even the deaths of over 1,000 private contractors. If we include all the wounded, the injured and the medically ill, we have a total of over 75,000, but the military intentionally camouflages and segregates the numbers in three categories that are extremely difficult to access. "
This confirms my post of July 11, 2007 PENTAGON STILL LOWBALLING U.S.DEATHS & CASUALTIES where I wrote that there has always been the strong rumor that the Pentagon only counts those killed in combat in its daily death totals. So if a soldier was wounded and died in transit to a hospital or in that hospital ~ he would not be counted in that daily death or wounded report. Now we have more evidence according to Veterans For Common Sense that the Pentagon is intentionally underreporting casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kanter goes on to explain ~ " The huge and growing number of cases of PTSD and major depression among returning soldiers has a direct link with the high suicide rates in the military ... PTSD is no less a war wound than a shrapnel injury. It can be tremendously debilitating. Symptoms include nightmares and flashbacks, triggered physiological and psychological stress, social withdrawal, isolation, avoidance of any kind of reminders of the trauma, emotional numbing, uncontrolled outbursts of anger or rage, difficulty concentrating and focusing and a state of hyper vigilance, which the military calls the 'battle mind.' All these are symptoms that would make it impossible for a vet with severe PTSD to be in the room with us today."
This moral outrage starts with the fact that the Pentagon is still intentionally underreporting US casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to a report by veterans' advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense ~ They attribute the discrepancy to the Pentagon's refusal to include medically evacuated troops for injuries and illnesses in its "wounded" reports.
" The purpose of this new distinction is to lower the numbers in Pentagon casualties reports in order to give the impression that "progress" in the war is being made and that harm to US forces inflicted in the war zone is far lower than reality," states Veterans for Common Sense.
It's time for the full truth about the combat casualties of our illegal occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan and then its time to pull them out of harms way ~ but don't count on it happening soon . The late Robert Anton Wilson nailed it when he said ~ " Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil."
But now Satan and evil have been clearly identified and to most of the world ~ it is ourselves and the human pawns we recklessly send into harms way. Henry Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam" said virtually the same thing about the military ~ "Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
Allen L Roland
This weblog is sustained through donations from people like yourself. Please send check or Money Order to Allen L. Roland, PO Box 1221, Sonoma,CA 95476
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Sleeping Giant Stirs
The sleeping Giant of the American public stirs but conveniently forgets who originally dropped the debt bomb on them and, in the process, become members of the Republican hijacked Tea Party movement: Allen L Roland
It didn’t take long for Republicans to embrace the Tea Party idea as a way out of their disgrace and current doldrums.
Kurt Nimmo, of Prison, describes the hijacking in detail ~ " The Tea Party movement is now almost completely unrecognizable from what it was a few short years ago. It came to prominence in 2008 when the Libertarian Party of Illinois planned to hold an April 15, 2009 anti-tax “Boston Tea Party” in Chicago. In February 2009, the idea grew after CNBC personality Rick Santelli, speaking from the floor of the Chicago stock exchange, criticized the Obama administration’s tax and economic policies and urged Americans become Tea Party activists.... It didn’t take long for establishment Republicans to steal the idea and claim it as their own... RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, and Rep. Michele Bachmann from Minnesota have suggested the Tea Party should be rolled into the Republican Borg hive."
According to Fox News,Tea Party candidates for the 2010 mid-term elections " will be expected to support the Republican National Committee platform ."
So there you have it, The sleeping Giant of the American public stirs from its eight year hibernation, realizes its been robbed, conveniently forgets who the culprit was and channels its righteous anger with instead of against the party who was the thief.
The sleeping Giant sleepeth yet ~
Allen L Roland
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on
Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( )