Sunday, February 27, 2011


The Game is so over for American imperialism and Middle East oppression and with that defeat will come the discovery of its epicenter ~ the Big Lie of the 9/11 cover up and its utilization as a justification for the War on Terror which has now led back to ourselves as the obvious rogue state of global imperialistic designs and terror: Allen L Roland

The die is cast ~ the Middle East and North Africa are breaking their shackles of control by the imperialistic oil hungry west and nothing will stop the people from toppling their oppressive regimes and claiming their freedom. As I have written before ~ the epicenter of the Middle East people’s revolt is the ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel ~ which is a constant and humiliating reminder to the Arab world that they are servants of the global elite who maintain their oppressive regimes through military power and economic control.

As I have also written ~ the epicenter of the blossoming people’s revolt in the United States is the 9/11 cover up and conspiracy where Vice President Dick Cheney created a shadow government committed to corporate welfare and beholden to the global elite. That’s when the Republic began its death throes and the corpocracy emerged from the fallen twin tower’s ashes ~ and where it still controls the masses through fear, demonizing, and rationalized dishonesty which began with 9/11. Under Cheney’s active direction, and Tony Blair’s enthusiastic acquiescence, the Middle East has been virtually controlled by the West through their support of their oppressive monarchies and their unholy alliance with their ongoing partner in crime, Israel.

The game is over ~ events are overtaking the Obama administration who is now engaged in an elaborate Kabuki theater act of trying to seem in control of events that are quite obviously overwhelming them. For instance, Obama recently said “I have also asked my administration to prepare the full range of options that we have to respond to this crisis. This includes those actions we may take and those we will coordinate with our allies and partners or those that we'll carry out through multilateral institutions.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton echoed this: “Everything will be on the table. We will look at all options.”~ but the truth is they have no options and virtually no control of events that are now unfolding in Libya and their words are false assurances that they have a handle on a people’s revolution that is, in essence, rightfully scaring them to death!

As Liberation correctly writes ~ “ While the U.S. policymakers dream about owning Libya outright, and replacing Gaddafi with a client regime, their main concern is now, as it has always been, stable and guaranteed control over Middle East oil resources. To the extent Washington becomes more “pro-active” against Libya, it will mean they have devised a plan ~ or found someone better ~ to do that job… As the third wave of revolution spreads, deepens, and faces new contradictions, it is the people of Libya and the Arab world who will determine their future. For activists here, our main task is to mobilize in opposition to any and all U.S. threats against Libya and the other countries of the Middle East and North Africa. “

The American Imperial Empire is beginning to crumble and as each American bought dictator tumbles, such as Mubarak and soon Gaddafi, the momentum will build, the Arab people will feel more empowered and with it the deep dark secrets of decades of American imperialism and covert actions will be unearthed and added as fuel to this sweeping revolution ~ which will eventually reveal America as both the instigator and implementer of the so called War of Terror.

In that context, Russ Baker writes in Truthout ~ “ While the US government expresses outrage over the brutality of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi toward his own people, we’re missing a complex but significant wrinkle that ties Qaddafi to America’s cover-up of the true path to war in Iraq. In May, 2009, a man named Ibn Shaikh al-Libi supposedly committed suicide while being held in a Libyan jail. Al-Libi is a deeply, deeply interesting fellow. Back in 2002, he was tortured by Egypt under US direction. It appears that the reason the US government had him tortured was not to stop some imminent attack on the United States, but to generate alleged ~ and false ~ links between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that could justify invading Iraq.” See full story ~

Therein lies my point ~ as the Middle East rebellion spreads, a Pandora’s Box of illegal torture, rendition and dark covert operations in the Middle East instigated by the Cheney/Bush administration and condoned by the Obama administration will finally come to light and the threads will all eventually come back to the 9/11 cover up and Dick Cheney’s decision to ride on the dark side of America’s so-called War on Terror.

Nick Baumann wrote about the Al-Libi case in 2009 in Mother Jones: “Al-Libi was the man whose false confession, obtained under torture, of a link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda provided the Bush administration with its casus belli for war with Iraq. It didn’t seem to matter that al-Libi’s claim that Bin Laden had sent operatives to be trained in the use of weapons of mass destruction by Hussein’s people didn’t make any sense. “They were killing me,” al-Libi later told the FBI about his torturers. “I had to tell them something.” A bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee report would later conclude that al-Libi lied about the link “to avoid torture.”

Don’t expect Gaddafi to live ~ he knows too many of the ‘Dark Side’ secrets that the Cheney/Bush administration, along with their so-conspirator Tony Blair, have implemented in their ambitious neo con imperialistic grand colonial design for the Middle East ~ a design that Blair often justifies with his arrogant words “ To protect our way of life “ ( chuckle )

Russ Baker theorizes that Al-Libi was probably murdered for that very same reason ~ Given the enormity of what al-Libi’s revelations represent, then his continued presence and ability to witness the true background to the Iraq invasion made him a grave threat to the Bush-Cheney administration and the potential vulnerability of its leading lights to war crimes prosecution… Thus, the fact that he suddenly “killed himself” while being held by Qaddafi’s police state at least raises the question of whether Qaddafi was doing a favor for the US. Of course, by 2009, when al-Libi suddenly died, Obama had become president ~but it’s safe to say that deep, covert cleanup operations don’t end with an inauguration.”

And they most certainly have not ended with Obama’s election ~ so Gaddafi is destined to become road kill, as was Saddam, in America’s ongoing imperialistic designs and oppression in the Middle East ~ particularly with Obama gearing up for re-election in 2012. In that regard, Obama is most assuredly a one term president if he continues to answer to the global and financial elite and ignores the will and demands of the people.

However, the ultimate demand of the people is for truth and transparency which has yet to be delivered by the Obama administration who, like the Bush/Cheney administration, see the American people armed with the truth as a serious threat to the financial and global elite (Plutocracy).

But that game is now over for the power of an oppressed people suddenly realizing that they have a voice and that they can manifest true change with their numbers is spreading like wildfire throughout the Middle East and North Africa. It has already reached the shores of America ~ and it is truly the only change you can believe in!

As the people take to the streets, the sins of our recent past will come to the surface and our battered Republic will slowly re-emerge from moral darkness. Nothing can stop this shift which will eventually become a shift in consciousness in late 2012.

The game is over for American Imperialism and Middle East oppression ~ and it’s about time.

Allen L Roland

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist. Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations. Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on

Sunday, February 20, 2011


World War III has already started. It is not a military war but instead an economic class war by the people against the corporate global elite whose puppet spoke person is President Obama. The economically oppressed masses of people in Egypt realized they could literally shut down the government and that empowering message has reached the United States where the masses of enraged people in Wisconsin are taking to the streets in a revolt against their own corporate welfare state. Obama take note ~ this is the beginning of world wide shift in consciousness which will culminate in 2012 and politically sweep away the Oligarchy in the process: Allen L Roland

Wikipedia defines Oligarchy as a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, corporate, or military control. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy. As such, my use of the term corpocracy should be taken in the same context as the Oligarchy and plutocracy ~ rule by the privileged few or global elite.

Our founded Republic is a state under a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, retain supreme control of the government and where

most decisions are made with reference to established laws, rather than the discretion of a head of state, a monarch or appointed Czars.

The epicenter of the Middle East people’s revolt is the ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel ~ which is a constant and humiliating reminder to the Arab world that they are servants of the global elite who maintain their oppressive regimes through military power and economic control.

The epicenter of the blossoming people’s revolt in the United States is the 9/11 conspiracy where Vice President Dick Cheney created a shadow government committed to corporate welfare and beholden to the global elite. That’s when the Republic began its death throes and the corpocracy emerged from the twin towers ashes ~ where it controlled, and still does control the masses through fear, demonizing, and fabrications with the ultimate big lie being the 9/11 cover up story.

Fueled by greed, arrogance and false patriotism the Corpocracy, under Cheney’s active direction, went to war with Afghanistan and falsely rationalized another war with Iraq, again under Cheney’s active direction, and virtually imprisoned the Middle East through its control of their oppressive monarchies and its unholy alliance with its ongoing partner in crime, Israel. Obama’s continued support of an illegal war and occupation of Afghanistan was an early indication of his allegiance to the corpocracy ~ much to the continued chagrin of progressives and the majority of Americans.

Corporate welfare is a term describing a government's bestowal of money grants, tax breaks, or other special favorable treatment on corporations or selected corporations which is precisely what the Cheney/Bush administration did in order to achieve the monetary allegiance and goals of the corpocracy ~ while America’s middle class virtually died as their jobs were either shipped overseas or eliminated by corporate welfare.

President Obama eagerly sensed where the power was and signed on board with the corpocracy leaving his progressive base in shambles. This marriage was recently consummated between President Obama and the financial elite with the appointment of J.P. Morgan’s William Daly as his chief of staff, former Goldman executive Gene Sterling as his economic council chief and General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt as the head of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness ( Chuckle ).

The stage was set for economic welfare you can believe in and the people and Republic be damned.

With the corpocracy now financially firmly behind him ~ it would be clear sailing for Obama’s 2012 reelection ~ that is, until the people of Egypt finally woke up, took to the streets and toppled the Mubarak regime which sent a shock wave through the corpocracy and left Obama reacting like a deer in the headlights.

Whoops, the Middle East and North African masses began to realize they could break the chains of their American sanctioned oppression by taking to the streets, voicing their concerns and not only demanding change but not settling for anything less than true change. The seed was dropped and it rapidly took root throughout the world and eventually America ~ what would happen if the American people, who voted for change in 2008, suddenly demanded change?

A wave of revolt spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa and that wave has now become a Tsunami which has finally reached America and in particular Wisconsin. As David DeGraw, Amped Status Report, correctly writes; “ We (America) have all the ingredients for a revolution ~ 59 million people without healthcare, 52 million in poverty, 44 million on food stamps, 30 million in need of work, seven million foreclosed upon and five million homes over two months late in their mortgage payments. Meanwhile, all new political policies and proposals on the table, on the state and federal level, are committed to major cuts in social services. In a sign of what’s to come, Obama’s first disclosed spending cut targets the poor… While continuing their attacks on American small businesses and private-sector workers, the global financial elite are now stepping up their attacks on public workers. In this context, the Wisconsin state government attacks against the state teachers’ union doesn’t have anything to do with the old Democrat vs. Republican divide and conquer debates of the past. This is about people fighting back against their economic oppressors. In Egypt, Mubarak was the Neo-Liberal Aristocracy’s local enforcer. In Wisconsin, Scott Walker is the Neo-Liberal Aristocracy’s local enforcer…..This battle in Madison, Wisconsin, between the American people and the global financial elite, represents the opening salvo, the awakening of an American resistance movement and a sign of what’s to come.” See article ~

By the way, without the tax cuts to big corporations made by Governor Walker and the other Republicans, Wisconsin would have had a surplus, according to the Wisconsin Federal Bureau, a non-partisan group. Just last month, Walker and the Legislature gave away $117 million in tax breaks, mostly for businesses that expand and for private health savings accounts. That’s corporate welfare and a choice lawmakers made. Had it not been for those decisions and a few others, according to the state's Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the state would have had a surplus

Oh my, obviously a global shift of consciousness is happening and it’s exhilarating. It’s a bottom up shift beginning with the economically downtrodden masses who are finding their voices, the power of their numbers as well as their ability to stop the corpocracy in its tracks by refusing to play by their oppressive rules. What’s happening now in Wisconsin will soon happen throughout the United States. As DeGraw concludes “The economic top one-tenth of one percent of the global population has launched an economic war on us. They are hoarding $39 Trillion in investible wealth, not counting the vast sums they have hidden in offshore accounts. In the United States, we now have the highest and most severe inequality of wealth in our nation’s history. While there is a record number of American citizens currently living paycheck to paycheck, in debt, unemployed, underemployed, without healthcare, on food stamps and in poverty, as our society is breaking down, global bankers have taken our tax dollars and given themselves all-time record-breaking bonuses. The same people who destroyed our economy have been rewarded with trillions of dollars in national wealth. It is now evident that both political parties and all three branches of government, along with the mainstream corporate media, have been bought off by a global economic elite.”

This is not Obama’s shining moment and his true allegiance to the Old World Order as well as the corpocracy and global elite is now being witnessed by the world in the glaring headlights of the bottom-up Egyptian people’s revolution ~ a revolution which most assuredly is now seen as a direct threat to America’s rapidly crumbling empire. Norm Chomsky correctly identifies that threat ~ “ It's not radical Islam that worries the US, it's Independence ~ The nature of any regime it backs in the Arab world is secondary to control. Subjects are ignored until they break their chains.”

Well, the nature of the corpocracy is to ignore the people until they break the chains of control by demanding change as is now happening in Wisconsin and throughout the world. For example, Palestinians are now planning a 'Day of Rage' after US Vetoed a UN Resolution condemning illegal Israeli Settlements. Anti-US rallies took place in the West Bank towns of Bethlehem, Tulkarem and Jenin this weekend after the 14-1 vote on the resolution, in which the US stood alone against the rest of the security council, including Britain, Germany and France. We actually voted in contradiction of our own stated policy which is the height of hypocrisy and infuriates the masses throughout the Middle East and the world.

World War III has begun and it’s a class battle between the people and the Corpocracy but on a larger scale it‘s a battle for our lost Republic, our lost freedoms, our lost soul and our forgotten global evolutionary innate urge to unite and prosper in the spirit of love, altruism and social cooperation instead of survival of the strong or most wealthy. As such, it is a shift in consciousness which will become apparent to all in 2012 and nothing can stop it from evolving.

We cannot deny our destiny and it is divine.

Allen L Roland

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist. Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations. Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland

The Initial findings of the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland unexpectedly reveals that the emerging collision particles seem to fly in the same direction which indicates an internal structure or consciousness, which, I would claim, is a Unified Field of love and connectedness whose principle property is the universal urge to unite: Allen L Roland

The current uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East of oppressed people seeking freedom is, I would venture, the gradual surfacing of a world wide innate need to unite in a collective state of social cooperation and altruism ~ the driving force of evolution. The latest advances in science could well be revealing this very same phenomenon is the basic stuff of molecular matter.

Let’s use the latest findings of the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC ) near Switzerland as an example. Scientific America, reports on February 11, 2011 that Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider are trying to solve a puzzle of their own making ~ why particles sometimes fly in sync with each other: “ Last summer physicists noticed that some of the particles created by their proton collisions appeared to be synchronizing their flight paths, like flocks of birds. The findings were so bizarre that “we’ve spent all the time since [then] convincing ourselves that what we were seeing was real,” says Guido Tonelli, a spokesperson for CMS, one of two general-purpose experiments at the LHC….The effect is subtle. When proton collisions result in the release of more than 110 new particles, the scientists found, the emerging particles seem to fly in the same direction. The high-energy collisions of protons in the LHC may be uncovering “a new deep internal structure of the initial protons,” says Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, winner of a Nobel Prize for his explanation of the action of gluons. Or the particles may have more interconnections than scientists had realized. “At these higher energies [of the LHC], one is taking a snapshot of the proton with higher spatial and time resolution than ever before,” Wilczek says.

Wilczek is definitely on to something but I maintain it ties into Wilczek’s Nobel Prize winning work concerning Asymptotic Freedom ~ regarding the Strong Force in the atom. Let me use the findings of those recent Nobel Prize winning researchers, Politzer, Gross and Wilczek, to prove my point. They won the 2004 Nobel prize in physics for their studies of the “strong Force " ~ the powerful and mysterious energy that holds the nuclei of atoms together. They explained the mystifying qualities of this strong force, which holds together the fundamental building blocks of nature, called QUARKS, to form protons and neutrons ~ two of the basic components of atoms.

Now, this is when it gets interesting.

Independently, they developed the theory and the mathematical equations to show that Quarks are held together by the strong force which, unlike any other force in the universe, gets stronger as the quarks get farther apart ~ a concept now known as " Asymptotic Freedom ".

The simplest analogy is to a rubber band encircling two objects. When the objects are close together, the rubber band fits loosely. But as they are drawn apart, the rubber band stretches, trying to pull them back together.

Now, here is my take on these findings as applied to my Unified Field of Love and Soul Consciousness which is The basic underlying force of the universe is a psychic energy field of universal love, within which gravitational and electromagnetic fields, the strong and weak forces in the atom, and all other forces of nature, including time and space, are merely conditions of state. Within this psychic realm of love, paranormal events such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and near-death experiences are also conditions of state. The principal property of this field of love is its propensity to unite, complete and fulfill all living beings within a constantly evolving loving plan. This field of love is the absolute constant of the universe in that within it, time and space do not exist. Thus, we are instantly joined with the past, present and future of a universe which is in the process of uniting, completing and fulfilling itself.

Thus, it appears that the strong force in the atom is the urge to unite which is the principle property of my Unified Field. It is the same urge to unite that Bose and Einstein found in the 1920s when they discovered that photons ( light particles ) have a “spooky tendency to travel together versus acting randomly ~ which eventually led to the discovery of the laser. Einstein used his mathematical formulations to predict the behavior of large groups of atoms full of excess energy and with the potential to emit a photon. He wanted to see what would happen if a stray photon passes by the atom group ~ Lo and behold, he found that a stray photon not only stimulated the atoms to release their photons earlier they expected, but that the emitted photons then went in the same direction and at exactly the same frequency as the original stray photon !

The same urge to unite that is now being observed 90 years later with the findings of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland.

It is also the same urge to unite that Teilhard de Chardin spoke of when he wrote ~ If there were no real propensity to unite , even at a prodigiously rudimentary level, indeed, in the molecule itself ~ it would be physically impossible for love to appear higher up in the ' hominized ' or human form .

It is also the same urge to unite that loved ones feel when they are separated from each other ~ and the further apart the stronger the pull to be back together. But it would also explain our individual quest to reunite with our original state of soul consciousness, we all knew as children, before we retreated into a cocoon of Ego consciousness ~ which I prove every day in my leading edge heart centered work as a psychotherapist.

Since I'm a twin, I can really relate to this urge to unite when I was sometimes separated from my twin in early childhood. It is also an urge to unite that exists beyond time and space or even lifetimes as loving connections (such as my grandfather) most certainly do.

This would also seemingly explain how the urge to unite would increase as the Universe continues to expand. As such, it is a force that is stronger than Gravity!

Thus, the one constant of the universe would no longer be light at 186,000 miles per second for even light particles ( photons ) are subject to this force field of love ~ this driving urge to unite which exists not only beyond time and space but also deepest within ourselves.

And this would also explain why mankind is now in the process of uniting while we seemingly are still divided and separate from each other.

And finally, on a collective level, it would explain the power of love, altruism and social cooperation and how we can no longer resist our innate pull and urge to unite versus separate.

Then we have Mike Purton, writing in the Guardian (,12996,1366352,00.html ) on 12/02/04 of the greatest religious discovery of the 20th century;

" Physicists call it entanglement, and it describes the state of two or more particles once they have interacted with one another. From then on, irrespective of time and space, a correlation will always exist between them. What happens to one will affect the other - even if they are now at opposite ends of the universe ...For if matter emerged from energy in the singularity of the big bang, it would seem to follow that all the particles of which it consists are in that state of correlation. They have not become entangled, but at the fundamental level they have never been - and can never be - separated. "

In summary ~ the great dawning and, I would add, inevitable realization of psychology, science and religion is that our separateness is an illusion measured by the state of our consciousness and that our ultimate reality, once again measured by the state of our consciousness, is the realization that we are all united and part of a loving and indivisible whole ~ and we resist it at our peril.

Very young children are aware, as I was as a child, of this universal truth and consciousness which would explain Teilhard's quote ~ " Till the very end of time matter will always remain young, exuberant, sparkling, and new-born for those who are willing to love "

As such, those who we love deeply become part of us forever. Starting with my twin and beloved grandfather ~ every person I have deeply loved in this lifetime, as well as in past lifetimes, still lives in my heart. A thread of love that exists beyond time and space.

Or, as Longfellow so eloquently writes, " The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite."

Picture, if you will, some gigantic scientist peering through his trusty microscope at you and your lover ~ someone you have chosen to spend your life with ~ and dismissing your deep soul connection and union as a mere “ spooky tendency” to want to travel together ~ as both Einstein/Bose and the Large Hadron Collider scientists have obviously done. Has this scientist seen the full picture of you? Or has he missed an important subjective part of the picture? And if so, was there a glitch in the microscope, or were his perceptions limited because of his preconceived beliefs or state of consciousness?

Clearly, our beliefs and level of consciousness as observers determines our ability to accurately comprehend what we observe. It also determines the degree to which we consciously experience the Unified Field of love. An open heart, as such, is as important for accurate scientific inquiry as is a powerful microscope ~ if not more important.

Science will surely remain one-eyed and lacking in depth-perception until it acknowledges the equal validity of subjective, sensory and spiritual experience. And it will continue to record the letter of mere mechanics, and miss the true spirit that brings it all to life, until it comes to recognize the universal urge to unite, even within the molecule itself, as being the universal attractive force of love.

Allen L Roland

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist. Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations. Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The Egyptian uprising is not only inspiring a world wide revolt against the status quo but is starkly revealing the hypocrisy of America’s foreign policy with its on going commitment to the status quo: Allen L Roland

If I was advising the leaders of the Egyptian uprising for democracy ~ I would say DON'T STOP YOUR DEMAND FOR ACTION, DON’T LEAVE THE SQUARE AND DON’T SETTLE FOR THE STATUS QUO.

We Americans were coming from the same place in 2008 where, after suffering eight years of an oppressive Bush/Cheney agenda of rationalized dishonesty, illegal preventive wars fueled by an arrogant neoconservative doctrine and corruptive financial practices ~ we thought we were voting for CHANGE with the election of Barack Obama as president. I was one of those progressives who drank the kool aid of Obama’s promised change and I’m now one of millions who realize President Obama is not a change agent ~ Obama is obviously a maintainer of the status quo who answers to the financial elite, aka the old world order, and does not trust the voice of the people.

Obama wants it both ways where he can talk the talk of freedom while walking the walk of the old world order which controls through military power and financial manipulation.

Egypt’s current uprising is bringing this unpleasant truth to the surface of our global consciousness leaving our foreign policy in a most awkward position ~ as Obama straddles America’s decaying old world order devices of control as the people, armed by the truth, revolt and struggle to remove them.

The Nation captures this obvious hypocrisy in glowing detail ~ “The popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, which have sent reverberations throughout the Arab world, reveal some uncomfortable truths about US foreign policy. The contortions of the Obama administration, caught between its desire to stand by a dictator in Cairo who has been a loyal ally and its desire to channel a revolution that could define the future of the region, are replays we have seen over and over. Rhetorically, America trumpets democracy and human rights. In reality, we ally ourselves with repressive dictatorships: Cuba’s Batista, Nicaragua’s Somoza, Chile’s Pinochet, South Africa’s apartheid regime, Iran’s shah, Indonesia’s Suharto and many more. When the people finally revolt, Washington flounders, usually concerned more about shoring up the regime than about supporting democracy… Worse, because foreign policy is dominated by our military and intelligence agencies, our ties with these regimes tend to involve deep complicity with the security services that torture and kill domestic opposition. We are widely ~ and accurately ~ viewed in much of the third world not as neutral or distant supporters of freedom but as the bulwark of dictatorships. We train their police, arm their militaries, and base our troops on their soil. American people and culture are widely admired abroad, but our government is just as widely despised.” The Nation: Egypt Uprising Reveals Hypocrisy of US Foreign Policy

Obama can’t have it both ways and the more he maintains the Obama Straddle ~ the more his credibility sinks throughout a world that is increasingly thirsty for the truth and true democracy.

The nation ends its excellent thought provoking article with these words ~ “ America is exceptional not because we are rich but because we were founded on a revolutionary ideal: that people have the right to govern themselves. And yet we have become a status quo nation, too often invested in maintaining oppressive power. The revolution sweeping the Middle East suggests we had better think very hard about that contradiction.”

Yes, we had better think very hard about that contradiction and be willing to follow our Egyptian brothers and sisters to the streets and voting booths to reclaim our innate revolutionary ideal as well as our morally diminished Republic.

Allen L Roland

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist. Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations. Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


President Obama has been caught like a deer in the headlights by Egypt’s internal cry for freedom and justice whereas empty words and rhetoric will no longer assuage a true people’s revolution that demands change and meaningful reform: Allen L Roland

CAIRO, Feb 9 (Reuters) - " Egyptians have staged one of their biggest protests yet insisting President Hosni Mubarak step down immediately and ignoring a government plan to transfer power. For many protesters it was the first time they had joined the daily demonstrations in Cairo's Their Square showing the movement, now in its third week, still is gaining momentum."

The old world order continues to crack under the assault of the Egyptian people’s revolution and the demand for truth and transparency ~ which are the two needed ingredients for true change. President Obama has been caught, like a deer in the headlights, by America’s continued hypocrisy. Alternet reports that over the weekend, U.S. envoy to Cairo Frank Wisner embarrassed and confused the White House by breaking from the official Obama administration line regarding Egypt (Mubarak should step down peacefully, etc.). Speaking in Cairo on Saturday, the retired State Department employee said that "President Mubarak's continued leadership is critical: it's his opportunity to write his own legacy.”

Whoops! In Cairo, Robert Fisk of the Independent reported on the current furious back-pedaling now underway at the White House and reveals that Wisner had business ties to the Mubarak regime: “ The US State Department and Mr Wisner himself have now both claimed that his remarks were made in a "personal capacity". But there is nothing "personal" about Mr Wisner's connections with the litigation firm Patton Boggs, which openly boasts that it advises "the Egyptian military, the Egyptian Economic Development Agency, and has handled arbitrations and litigation on the [Mubarak] government's behalf in Europe and the US". Oddly, not a single journalist raised this extraordinary connection with US government officials – nor the blatant conflict of interest it appears to represent.”

Meanwhile the Pentagon is moving U.S. warships and other military assets to make sure that it is prepared in case evacuation of U.S. citizens from Egypt becomes necessary, White house officials said Friday. But the USS Enterprise attack carrier is also being kept on station in the eastern Mediterranean and the Enterprise does not appear to have any dual role for evacuations ~ but is simply an offensive attack carrier which sends a far different message to Egyptian people’s revolution. Are these ships protecting the protesting people of Egypt or the faltering Mubarak puppet regime in Egypt ?

The three key methods of the old world order in the Middle East are Coercion, Control and Military Power and it appears that Obama’s allegiance to the financial elite as well as Israel and AIPAC are rapidly leaving him with only those options but most certainly it is not bending to the will of a long oppressed people’s revolution. Expect more talk and posturing as well as the gradual reinstatement of public restrictions and police state control as the Mubarak / Suleiman regime attempts to regain its footing and credibility. Suleiman is Egypt’s Dick Cheney (Darth Vader) with the same shared interest in the dark side along with the same shared blessing of Israel.

This is not Obama’s shining moment and his true allegiance to the Old World Order as well as the corpocracy and global elite is now being witnessed by the world in the glaring headlights of the bottom-up Egyptian people’s revolution ~ a revolution which now most assuredly is seen as a direct threat to America’s rapidly crumbling empire. Norm Chomsky correctly says, “ It's not radical Islam that worries the US, it's Independence ~ The nature of any regime it backs in the Arab world is secondary to control. Subjects are ignored until they break their chains.”

As the UK’s Palden Jenkins writes ~ “ The Young Middle Eastern movements of today suggest a quantum shift that resembles that of the Sixties. They represent a new computation of the issues and solutions, starting from a new starting-point and seeking a new horizon. The Street has a new perception, facilitated by the community of the cellphone, e-mail, YouTube, satellite TV and the airplane. It’s driven from below, it’s youthful and driven by half of the population. It’s an organic network, not an organisation. It has language and laws, shared sentiments and perspectives. This is a form of texted, e-mailed hyper-democracy….. The difficult bit for Westerners is that, having been top dogs, we have to rejoin the human race on equitable terms before we can get our fingers back on the pulse. Our buzzwords – peace, freedom, democracy and human rights – sound good, but our actions smell badly. We continue to want to maintain our comfortable lifestyles and export our double standards, whatever the cost to others. So the world is bypassing us. This is why we need to recognise that what’s brewing in the Middle East is worth watching. Don’t be deceived ~ it’s not just bombs and rioting. There’s much more.”

The revolting Egyptian people are not buying into our Old World Order playbook which is Promise, Stall, Coerce and Control change. This is precisely what Obama utilized in his 2008 Presidential election mandate to the American people ~ who also demanded change and meaningful reform and are still waiting.

Next time we will take to the streets like our Egyptian brothers and sisters and it may well be sooner than later. In a nutshell, we are witnessing large-scale growing global unrest ~ where entire populations, suffering in poverty, are refusing to be exploited at the hands of a small ruling elite who are manipulated by foreign interests such as the United States.

The times are a changing!

Allen L Roland

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist. Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations. Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Canisters of tear gas used to quell Egyptian uprising and made in the United States

The Egyptian Tsunami of people power is moving so rapidly that the walls of the Old World Order, based on control and military force, cannot hold it in check. The hypocrisy of our selling lethal tear gas canisters to Israel and Egypt to be used to disperse the huge crowds demanding freedom from oppression is indicative of the United States morally flawed foreign policy of supporting dictators and suppressing freedom throughout the Middle East: Allen L Roland

It’s Super Bowl Sunday which rings hollow compared to the events that are now rapidly unfolding in the Middle East. American exceptionalism may well be having its last feeble hurrah in Dallas,Texas today where the Steelers meet the Packers ~ for the eyes and ears of most of the world are really trained on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt where US-Israel shared hegemony is having its greatest test against the rising power of the people.

These are heady times in the Middle East as the people of Egypt seize their moment on the world stage and flaunt their demands and grievances to a Middle East audience that has yearned for another choice versus continued oppression from the west and their corrupt puppet governments ~ like Egypt.

What goes around, comes around and the failure of both the Bush and Obama administrations to halt the obvious ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israel as well as the murder of tens of thousands of innocent Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan has rightfully infuriated Muslims throughout the Middle East and does not bode well for Israel and the West.

President Obama is not a change agent, Obama is obviously a maintainer of the status quo who answers to the financial elite and the old world order. Right now, Obama’s only choice is to embrace change or be eventually overrun by it ~ there is no more room to straddle or equivocate as he most assuredly will do now under obvious pressure from Israel and AIPAC.

As the Egyptian Tsunami gains strength, it appears that the Mubarak / Suleiman regime will eventually attempt to keep their power through coercion or force ~ CLG reveals that The International Network for Rights and Development has claimed that Israeli logistical support has been sent to Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to help his regime confront demonstrations. According to reports by the non-governmental organization, three Israeli planes landed at Cairo's Mina International Airport on Saturday carrying hazardous equipment for use in dispersing and suppressing large crowds. In the statement circulated by the International Network, it was disclosed that Egyptian security forces received the complete cargoes on three Israeli planes which were, it is claimed, carrying an abundant supply of internationally proscribed tear gas to disperse unwanted crowds ~ and made in the United states.

It won’t work because this powerful people Tsunami is fueled by the poor, the youth and the disenfranchised of Egypt who have nothing to lose and long for their voice ~ for quite simply, the masses of the poor have been left behind in Egypt. The middle class has actually gone backward leaving a small financial elite at the top who benefit from whatever economic progress there is. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it ~ the unholy marriage of power and capital which fits the description of the whole capitalist world and in particular, the United States ~ where the Tsunami will eventually reach.

As Roger Cohen writes in the New York Times ~ “ Egypt’s not alone in seeing the gulf between its wealthy and the rest widen; that’s a global trend. But in a country of 83 million where almost 30 percent of the population is still illiterate, and the big bucks have often depended on an entrée to Mubarak’s son, Gamal, or his circle, the pattern has been particularly inflammatory…Egypt had a Western-backed free-market economy run by a family with contempt for freedom: That’s problematic. It puts the global forces concentrating wealth into overdrive in the service of the chosen few. All of this raises a question: In the name of what exactly has the United States been ready to back and fund an ally whose contempt for the law, fake democracy and gross theft flout everything for which America stands? “

Cohen concludes his article with this telling story ~ “ In Tahrir Square, the mini-republic that is the Egyptian uprising’s ground zero, I ran into Seif Salmawy, the managing director of a publishing company. He was smiling; I asked why. “Suddenly we are human beings,” he said. “We think we can decide and that what we decide has worth and that we have some value as humans. Before there was the president, the police, the army and their money: We the people were just there to serve them.”

However, the real cause of the revolutionary tide that will probably soon sweep the Arab world is Palestine. Let an Israeli, like Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, Uri Avnery, tell you that what is happening now in Egypt will forever change the Middle East ~ “ The turmoil in Egypt was caused by economic factors: the rising cost of living, the poverty, the unemployment, the hopelessness of the educated young. But let there be no mistake: the underlying causes are far more profound. They can be summed up in one word: Palestine…In Arab culture, nothing is more important than honor. People can suffer deprivation, but they will not stand humiliation…. Yet what every young Arab from Morocco to Oman saw daily was his leaders humiliating themselves, forsaking their Palestinian brothers in order to gain favor and money from America, collaborating with the Israeli occupation, cringing before the new colonizers. This was deeply humiliating for young people brought up on the achievements of Arab culture in times gone by and the glories of the early Caliphs… Nowhere was this loss of honor more obvious than in Egypt, which openly collaborated with the Israeli leadership in imposing the shameful blockade on the Gaza Strip, condemning 1.5 million Arabs to malnutrition and worse. It was never just an Israeli blockade, but an Israeli-Egyptian one, lubricated by 1.5 billion US dollars every year… A dictator may be tolerated when he reflects national dignity. But a dictator who expresses national shame is a tree without roots ­ any strong wind can blow him over. “

Mubarak is a shamed dictator without roots and the strong wind of an empowered and outraged people is blowing him over as Avnery eloquently concludes ~ “ When Egypt moves, the Arab world follows. Whatever transpires in the immediate future in Egypt ­ democracy or an army dictatorship - It is only a matter of (a short) time before the dictators fall all over the Arab world, and the masses will shape a new reality, without the generals…Everything the Israeli leadership has done in the last 44 years of occupation or 63 years of its existence is becoming obsolete. We are facing a new reality. We can ignore it ­ insisting that we are "a villa in the jungle", as Ehud Barak famously put it ­ or find our proper place in the new reality. Peace with the Palestinians is no longer a luxury. It is an absolute necessity. Peace now, peace quickly. Peace with the Palestinians, and then peace with the democratic masses all over the Arab world, peace with the reasonable Islamic forces (like Hamas and the Muslim Brothers, who are quite different from al Qaeda), peace with the leaders who are about to emerge in Egypt and everywhere.”

The perfect storm of rising people power versus the Old World Order is now developing in Egypt but its true origins are in the ongoing humiliation of Palestine which touches a deep chord of humiliation throughout the Muslim world.

As such, Israel and the United States are on notice that the leading edge of this powerful storm will soon be crashing on their shores.

Allen L Roland

Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is also available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( ) is PayPal Verified

Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website . He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on