As Harvey Wasserman expounds ~ Fukushima's missing melted cores
and gushing radioactivity continues to fester in secret and speculation on the
ultimate impact borders from relatively harmless to intensely apocalyptic. However, it is obvious to all that the impacts of
these emissions on human and ecological health are unknown primarily because
the nuclear industry has resolutely refused to study them: Allen L Roland
Wasserman explains ~ " This "see
no evil, pay no damages” mindset dates from the Bombing of Hiroshima to
Fukushima to the disaster coming next … which could be happening as you
read this " so here are some major points to consider as you determine
, as I do, that this is indeed Apocalypse Now (courtesy of Harvey
1. At Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), the U.S. military initially denied that there
was any radioactive fallout, or that it could do any damage. Despite an absence
of meaningful data, the victims (including a group of U.S. prisoners of war)
and their supporters were officially “discredited” and scorned
2. During and after the Bomb Tests (1946-63), down winders in the
South Pacific and American west, along with thousands of U.S. “atomic vets,”
were told their radiation-induced health problems were imaginary … until
they proved utterly irrefutable.
3. By refusing to compile long-term emission assessments, the
industry systematically hides health impacts at Three Mile Island (TMI),
Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc., forcing victims to rely on isolated independent
studies which it automatically deems “discredited.”
4. Stack monitors and other monitoring devices failed at (TMI)
Three Mile Island (1979) making it impossible to know how much radiation
escaped, where it went or who it impacted and how.
But some 2,400 TMI downwind victims and their families were denied
a class action jury trial by a federal judge who said “not enough radiation”
was released to harm them, though she could not say how much that was or where
it went.
6. Widespread death and damage downwind from TMI have been confirmed by Dr.
Stephen Wing, Jane Lee and Mary Osbourne, Sister Rosalie Bertell, Dr.
Sternglass, Jay Gould, Joe Mangano and others, along with hundreds of anecdotal
7. Fukushima’s on-going fallout is already
far in excess of that from Chernobyl, which was far in excess of that from
Three Mile Island.
9. Key low-ball Chernobyl death
estimates come from the World Health Organization, whose numbers are overseen
by International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations organization chartered
to promote the nuclear industry.
When Fukushima Units 1-4 began to explode, President Obama assured
us all the fallout would not come here, and would harm no one, despite having
no evidence for either assertion.
Devastating health impacts reported by sailors stationed aboard
the USS Ronald Reagan near Fukushima are being denied by the industry and Navy, who say
radiation doses were too small to do harm, but have no idea what they were.
13. Though it denies the sailors on the Reagan were exposed to enough
Fukushima radiation to harm them, Japan (like South Korea and Guam) denied the
ship port access because it was too radioactive (it’s now docked in San
16. To the extent they can be known, the quantities and make-up of
radiation pouring out of Fukushima are also now a state secret, with independent measurement or
public speculation punishable by up to ten years in prison.
17. Likewise, “There is no systematic testing in the U.S. of air,
food and water for radiation,” according to University of
California (Berkeley) nuclear engineering Professor Eric Norman.
No current dismissal of general human and ecological impacts ~”apocalyptic”
or otherwise ~ can account over time for the very long half-lives of
radioactive isotopes Fukushima is now pouring into the biosphere.
19. As Fukushima’s impacts spread through the centuries, the one
certainty is that no matter what evidence materializes, the nuclear industry
will never admit to doing any damage, and will never be forced to pay for it .
20. Hyman Rickover, father of the nuclear navy,
warned that it is a form of suicide to raise radiation levels within Earth’s
vital envelope, and that if he could, he would “sink” all the reactors he
helped develop. “Now when we go back to using nuclear power,”
he said in 1982, “I think the human race is
going to wreck itself, and it is important that
we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it.”
See full article:
Dr Ken Buesseler is a
senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who has examined the
waters around Fukushima, makes his assessment of the situation: "It
is not over yet by a long shot, Chernobyl was in many ways a one week
fire-explosive event, nothing with the potential of this right on the ocean.
We've been saying since 2011 that the reactor site is still leaking whether
that's the buildings and the ground water or these new tank releases. There's
no way to really contain all of this radioactive water on site. Once it gets
into the ground water, like a river flowing to the sea, you can't really stop a
ground water flow. You can pump out water, but how many tanks can you keep
putting on site?"
So there you have it, it's quite likely that we are
presently experiencing Apocalypse Now and only future generations will
experience and judge the life threatening errors of our ways, regarding nuclear
Allen L Roland
Alternative Press Online columnist and
transformational counselor Allen L Roland is available for comments,
interviews, speaking engagements and private
Skype consultations
L Roland is also a lecturer who also shares a daily
political and social commentary on his web log and
website He also
guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on